Request: Notification on "dead" devices

I’m looking for a solution to find “dead” devices.

I have quite a few devices by various brands, battery operated, etc… Occasionally a bulb is broken, a sensor stops responding or some in-wall relay breaks… This is either found when using the device or even worse, go back in the sensor history to see that “the living room temperature has been fixed for the last 144 hours…”

Does anyone know of a blueprint/automation that can look into this? For example note if a sensor value has not changed for the last 48 hours?


Not 100% to what you want but…
dummylabs/thewatchman: Home Assistant custom integration to keep track of missing entities and services in your config files (

I think this should be part of HA itself. Maybe one day it will be :slight_smile:

I had a similar issue, so I put a bit of time in and made the following blueprint just yesterday actually. It’s in “Beta”, but try it out let me know how it works for you?

Currently it’s limited to battery devices (Zigbee/Zwave), and smart switches, not lightbulbs. But I might change that.

Feedback welcomed

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