Request that Home Assistant lias with Broadlink to enable HASS to load all device data from Broadlink app

Most of us have many remote control devices in their homes that do not have intergrations The Broadlink RMpro is perfect to control these obscure or unlisted item . However every single command has to be compiled into Home assistant to utilize devices. Home assistant should have access to all of the devices already loaded into the Broadlink database. If Home Assistant could liaise with Broadlink to enable export of the database into Home Assistant. This would relieve all the hassle and ugliness of trying to use Broadlink remotes with Home Assistant. This would be an amazing addition.

Do you have reason to believe Broadlink would open source their database?

and just fyi, it is fairly easy to capture commands using GitHub - t0mer/broadlinkmanager-docker: Broadlink Manager is a python based project that allows you to contorol your broadlink devices. Discover, Leran and send command in a very easy way