Request to add "consider_away" to Device Tracker


It would be great if we could have “consider_away” option for Device Tracker.

The reason is that to have light & others turn on when I arrive home, I would like to set up “consider_home” at very small number. However, if “consider_home” is too small, home assistant will get too many false error thinking that I’m away when I actually am at home.

If we could set up “consider_home” & “consider_away” separately, it will be best as “consider_home” can be small number /// “consider_away” can be big number to get rid of false error.

PS: Turn the light on when I arrive home is much more critical than turn the light off when I leave home :grin:


Depending on the tracker you use, you could lower the seconds between scans. For instance, I use NMAP and it scans every 30 seconds so at most, I wait about 30 seconds for the lights to pop on when I arrive home (after my phone connects to wifi).

Besides that you could use an automation with “for” to update an input_boolean based on the time your presence has been changed to home/away to discard any false states

    platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.paulus, device_tracker.anne_therese
    # Optional 
    from: 'not_home'
    to: 'home'

    # Alias for 'to'
    state: 'home'

    # If given, will trigger when state has been the to state for X time.
      hours: 1
      minutes: 10
      seconds: 5

rogro82, thanks for your suggestion.

I set up a dummy switch & with automation using “for” function, I’m able to achieve what I would like to do.


Still - if there is “consider_away”, it will make the life easier especially when there are several device trackers.