REQUEST: vacuum zone control with google assistant

some vacuum cleaners like the popular xiaomi can do zone control
the vacuum now exposed to google assistant is limited to start / stop / return to dock …

but google also offers zone control, like example, hey google, vacuum the kitchen

i already changed google_assistant and loaded is as a custom, but its nicer to see this in the official HA component

so below code i use in the file for google assistant, and it works
but i think to make this official, the vacuum components also needs to be changed, to control that zone
now, since there is a template vacuum, i think its more easy to add a zone control to it

can someone make this development?

    async def execute(self, command, data, params):
        """Execute a StartStop command."""
        if command == COMMAND_STARTSTOP:
            if params['start']:
                if params.get('zone') is not None:
                    ZONES = {
                        'kitchen': [14600,17800,20450,21700],
                        'hallway': [25480,17400,29530,22250],