Request: will any user successfully using ESPhome as a remote IR transmitter please post their yaml

I finaly found how to do that via ESPHome. the following code works for me:

  pin: GPIO2
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%

  reboot_timeout: 0s
    - service: remote_aiwa
        keycode: int[]
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: !lambda 'return keycode;'
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz

After adding that and flashing it to the ESP, rebooting it, there should be a service.DEVICENAME_remote_aiwa which you can call with a variable “keycode” and the raw code. example:

keycode: [9032, -4455, 561, -546, 583, -1672, 587, -1647, 611, -1622, 610, -521, 583, -1650, 607, -1652, 557, -546, 609, -521, 582, -544, 559, -543, 613, -518, 610, -521, 557, -1672, 587, -545, 558, -528, 601, -546, 583, -1631, 629, -520, 582, -548, 556, -1670, 588, -1648, 611, -1648, 558, -1675, 585, -1630, 600, -1675, 559, -546, 610, -520, 583, -545, 559, -545, 583, -547, 584, -544, 557, -546, 584, -546, 584, -1630, 627, -1650, 558, -1673, 585, -1631, 601, -1677, 556, -1674, 584, -1652, 582, -1671, 588]
1 Like

I would be super grateful to find out more about your custom service! I’ve been searching for a way to use raw ir with home assistant climate cards but they all require a protocol.

does anyone know what’s the variable esphome remote_receiver dumps the raw code in?
Im trying to dump that raw code in an text sensor template so that its visible on home assistant.

    number: D1
    inverted: True
  dump: all
      - text_sensor.template.publish:
          id: ir_receiver
          state: !lambda 'return x;'

i’ve tried also combinations of

   state: {$remote_receiver.raw}

with no success.
Any idea?

1 Like

Did not have time to try this until now, but I can confirm: It worked!!

Thank you so much, I am very happy now!

1 Like

Very helpful post indeed. It saved me a lot of research time.
I am using the following IR modules with ESP32 custom board which has plenty of power for the sensors:

Everything works fine up to a range of 3.5 meters. My Air Conditioner unit is about 5 meters away from the IR transmitter, and the signal is not strong enough to reach that far. Is the ESPHome Remote Transmitter function utilizing all the juice out of the ESP32 PIN? Or can we squeeze more?

I like @DeeBeeKay idea to use an NPN transistor, but I want to keep my project simple if possible.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Placing a picture tells us nothing about what they actually are!

Google constant current IR circuit and there is quite a bit of info.

Hi @khalilio, I had the same problem with limited range. My solution may not work for you, but maybe.

It seems that the range is limited by the LEDs themselves, so what I did was move the LEDs closer to the device I wanted to control. In my case, it was a ceiling fan unit. So I had the Wemos D1 Mini inside my light switch gang box at the wall, and then I ran a cable from there up into the ceiling, to a point closer to the fan.

That is where I installed the LEDs, in a little 3D-printed enclosure so they still looked ok. It works well.

So the circuit is the same as ever, but the LEDs are connected to it by a long cable (about 2m, I guess). Over such a short distance, the power loss is negligible, at least for my purpose.

I had the advantage that the room I was installing this in was drywall, so it was easy to snake the cable where I needed it. I have had to do something similar in a brick wall in the past, and it was trickier. To reach the ceiling, it was necessary to cut a channel into the brick wall with an angle grinder with a diamond blade, install the cable, plaster over the channel, and then repaint.

Thanks @DeeBeeKay. My setup is very similar to yours, having the MCU inside a light switch box; but the closest outlet where I can route the transmitter in my case is about 4 meters away.
Initially I thought there was something wrong with my codes; but I used arduino sketch on an ESP8266 module, which receives an IR signal and re-transmit it. When I stood halfway between my ESP32 transmitter and My AC unit, I was able to control the AC without any issues.
I found some powerful IR transmitters on AliExpress, but I don’t know if they would work. I’ll probably give it a shot.

1W 350MA High Power Infrared Ray IR Remote Control Launch Module

Hi all,

I have bought a 5v IR RX TX YS-IRTM board. Powered 5v and tx rx… to my d1 mini esphome… no matter what I try I get it working… flipping tx rx, config options etc… I had it working with a separate ir tx and rx led but ir was not powerful…

This is my config:

  name: irtxrxr
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini

    number: D4
    inverted: True
    mode: INPUT_PULLUP

  pin: D2
  # Infrared remotes use a 50% carrier signal
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%
  - platform: template
    name: TheFrame Off (IR)
     - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
         code: [-4426, 4574, -514, 1759, -512, 1759, -514, 1757, -514, 630, -514, 631, -512, 632, -511, 632, -542, 602, -512, 1760, -512, 1761, -511, 1760, -512, 632, -512, 634, -511, 634, -539, 604, -510, 635, -538, 604, -541, 1731, -512, 1760, -511, 633, -512, 634, -510, 1760, -512, 1761, -511, 1761, -511, 1761, -539, 604, -512, 633, -540, 1732, -538, 1734, -511, 632, -512, 633, -511, 632, -512, 632, -4455, 4547, -511, 1761, -510, 1762, -541, 1731, -538, 605, -512, 633, -511, 632, -512, 633, -511, 661, -513, 1732, -510, 1762, -511, 1761, -510, 634, -539, 604, -518, 627, -510, 633, -541, 602, -541, 604, -541, 1732, -511, 1760, -540, 605, -510, 634, -541, 1730, -513, 1759, -512, 1761, -511, 1761, -540, 603, -512, 633, -511, 1761, -511, 1760, -512, 634, -510, 633, -538, 607, -540]
  - platform: template
    name: "Samsung TV Power"
    icon: mdi:remote
        data: 0xE0E040BF
  - platform: template
    name: "Samsung TV Power 2"
    icon: mdi:remote
        data: 0xE0E019E6

Picture of board

Anyone have this remote setup, can I see images how the ir diodes are hook up to the esp32?

I have the same board lying. If you get it to work, please post your config.

Hello. So I setup an esp32 remote. When I try to learn a code, I see all these in the log. I know I am suppose to join the 028 line and 041 lines together, but which set. I have a few. I also tried a few, but it doesn’t work. Trying to turn on an AC. Help.


[14:54:10][D][remote.raw:028]: Received Raw: 3546, -1623, 539, -1175, 539, -1176, 537, -361, 510, -360, 510, -360, 509, -1176, 539, -361, 509, -361, 510, -1174, 540, -1173, 540, -360, 509, -1176, 539, -360, 508, -362, 509, -1176, 539, -1175, 539, -360, 510, -1176, 537, -1177, 538, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   -361, 510, -360, 510, -1176, 538, -360, 510, -361, 510, -1174, 540, -360, 510, -360, 510, -361, 509, -360, 511, -360, 509, -361, 511, -359, 509, -361, 510, -361, 510, -360, 509, -361, 511, -359, 511, -359, 510, -361, 508, -362, 509, -8937, 3547, -1622, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   539, -1175, 540, -1174, 540, -359, 512, -359, 510, -361, 510, -1174, 540, -360, 510, -359, 511, -1175, 539, -1176, 539, -359, 511, -1174, 539, -360, 511, -360, 510, -1175, 541, -1174, 538, -360, 511, -1174, 538, -1178, 538, -359, 511, -359, 511, -1174, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   538, -362, 510, -360, 510, -1175, 539, -360, 511, -359, 511, -359, 511, -359, 510, -360, 511, -360, 510, -360, 511, -359, 511, -360, 509, -361, 511, -359, 510, -360, 510, -360, 511, -360, 511, -359, 511, -359, 511, -359, 510, -360, 511, -360, 510, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   -360, 511, -1174, 541, -359, 510, -359, 511, -360, 511, -359, 511, -359, 510, -1176, 539, -1174, 539, -360, 509, -1175, 539, -360, 511, -1176, 538, -1176, 540, -359, 510, -1174, 539, -360, 511, -360, 511, -359, 509, -362, 509, -360, 511, -360, 511, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   -1173, 540, -360, 510, -361, 509, -361, 510, -360, 510, -360, 510, -360, 510, -360, 510, -361, 510, -360, 509, -361, 511, -360, 509, -361, 509, -361, 510, -1176, 538, -361, 510, -360, 509, -1178, 536, -1176, 540, -360, 510, -1175, 538, -361, 509, -361, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   510, -360, 509, -361, 509, -362, 508, -362, 509, -361, 508, -362, 509, -361, 508, -362, 508, -362, 509, -361, 509, -362, 509, -361, 508, -363, 507, -362, 508, -363, 508, -361, 509, -362, 509, -361, 508, -361, 509, -362, 508, -362, 509, -361, 508, -362, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   510, -360, 509, -362, 508, -362, 507, -363, 507, -1179, 536, -362, 507, -363, 508, -363, 508, -1177, 537, -1176, 537, -1178, 537, -361, 509, -362, 507, -363, 508, -362, 507, -364, 506, -364, 507, -362, 507, -365, 506, -363, 506, -364, 507, -363, 508, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:041]:   -363, 507, -363, 507, -364, 506, -364, 506, -1180, 535, -1179, 536, -362, 506, -365, 506, -364, 507, -363, 506
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]: Received Raw: 3544, -1622, 540, -1175, 540, -1175, 538, -361, 510, -360, 509, -361, 511, -1175, 537, -362, 510, -360, 509, -1176, 536, -1175, 542, -361, 508, -914, 801, -361, 509, -360, 511, -1175, 539, -1175, 538, -361, 510, -1174, 539, -1176, 538, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   -361, 510, -360, 509, -1178, 536, -362, 509, -361, 509, -1176, 537, -362, 509, -361, 510, -360, 511, -359, 511, -360, 511, -359, 509, -328, 543, -361, 509, -361, 509, -361, 507, -362, 510, -361, 509, -361, 510, -360, 511, -359, 511, -360, 509, -361, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   510, -360, 510, -360, 509, -361, 510, -361, 508, -361, 510, -1175, 539, -360, 510, -361, 510, -1174, 540, -360, 509, -361, 510, -361, 509, -361, 510, -361, 509, -361, 510, -361, 508, -361, 503, -367, 511, -360, 508, -362, 509, -361, 509, -361, 509, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   -1177, 538, -1175, 538, -361, 510, -1174, 540, -1175, 629, -226, 553, -361, 510, -361, 508, -361, 510, -361, 508, -362, 508, -362, 510, -361, 507, -363, 508, -1178, 536, -1177, 538, -1176, 539, -360, 508, -362, 508, -1177, 537, -1176, 538, -362, 509, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   -1177, 535, -363, 508, -363, 507, -363, 508, -362, 507, -363, 508, -362, 508, -362, 507, -364, 507, -362, 507, -364, 508, -362, 508, -362, 507, -363, 507, -363, 507, -363, 506, -365, 507, -363, 507, -363, 507, -363, 506, -365, 505, -365, 505, -365, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:028]:   507, -363, 507, -363, 508, -363, 505, -365, 506, -364, 506, -364, 506, -363, 506, -365, 507, -363, 508, -363, 505, -365, 505, -365, 506, -365, 505, -364, 505, -365, 506, -364, 506, -364, 506, -364, 506, -365, 506, -365, 505, -365, 506, -364, 505, -365, 
[14:54:11][D][remote.raw:041]:   506, -365, 505, -365, 504, -366, 506, -364, 503, -1183, 533, -366, 503, -1181, 534, -1181, 535, -364, 504, -366, 505, -1182, 532, -1181, 532

This is part of my config file:

# Remote Control
    number: GPIO15
    inverted: True
    mode: INPUT_PULLUP
  dump: raw

  pin: GPIO2
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%

  - platform: template
    name: 'AC Shion On'
    id: ac_sr_on
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [510, -360, 509, -362, 508, -362, 507, -363, 507, -1179, 536, -362, 507, -363, 508, -363, 508, -1177, 537, -1176, 537, -1178, 537, -361, 509, -362, 507, -363, 508, -362, 507, -364, 506, -364, 507, -362, 507, -365, 506, -363, 506, -364, 507, -363, 508, -363, 507, -363, 507, -364, 506, -364, 506, -1180, 535, -1179, 536, -362, 506, -365, 506, -364, 507, -363, 506]
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz
  - platform: template
    name: 'AC Shion Off'
    id: ac_sr_off
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [-466, 395, -1328, 369, -494, 368, -494, 369, -491, 372, -491, 370, -493, 369, -492, 369, -492, 369, -493, 369, -491, 370, -492, 371, -497, 369, -487, 370, -492, 394, -467, 369, -521, 368, -470, 394, -464, 397, -465, 396, -466, 369, -492, 369, -492, 368, -496, 368, -492, 369, -493, 368, -499, 368, -487, 370, -494, 368, -1355, 393, -468, 369, -1353, 396, -468, 368, -494, 369, -1353, 369]
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz

Ok. I got it working. Took some trial and error, but I figure out what worked for my IR device (split system HVAC).
When you are learning the IR codes, point the remote control directly to the ESP IR receiver LED only. Don’t point it to the actual device that you want it to control while learning. I find out that the raw codes isn’t correct and mostly will not work. I connected my IR LEDs to 5v on the ESP32.

Hardware used:
IR Receiver Sensor Module Kit Set

ESP Config:

# ESP32 NodeMCU
  name: bed_sensor
  platform: ESP32
  board: nodemcu-32s

  ssid: 'rice_dwarf'
  password: !secret ssid_pass
    ssid: covid-19
    password: ''
# Fallback portal 
# Logging
# Uncomment this if you use Home Assistant
#  password: ''

  pin: GPIO2

  username: !secret mqtt_user
  password: !secret mqtt_pass

  password: !secret ota_pass

# Remote Control
    number: GPIO15
    inverted: True
    mode: INPUT_PULLUP
  dump: raw

  pin: GPIO2
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%

  - platform: template
    name: 'AC SR On'
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [3493, -1675, 489, -1227, 487, -1227, 487, -410, 460, -411, 457, -413, 457, -1229, 484, -414, 457, -413, 460, -1226, 489, -1223, 488, -413, 456, -1231, 485, -411, 463, -408, 455, -1230, 484, -1232, 483, -414, 457, -1229, 486, -1227, 488, -413, 428, -441, 460, -1225, 487, -412, 456, -414, 457, -1230, 490, -408, 457, -413, 460, -410, 459, -411, 457, -414, 460, -410, 459, -412, 460, -409, 459, -412, 456, -414, 460, -410, 459, -412, 460, -410, 458, -412, 456, -414, 459, -8987, 3496, -1673, 485, -1228, 488, -1226, 488, -412, 457, -413, 460, -410, 430, -1256, 487, -410, 457, -414, 456, -1230, 488, -1226, 488, -410, 459, -1226, 486, -414, 457, -413, 457, -1228, 488, -1227, 484, -414, 459, -1226, 489, -1228, 486, -411, 456, -414, 457, -1228, 490, -409, 460, -410, 458, -1227, 490, -410, 458, -412, 457, -414, 460, -409, 460, -410, 460, -410, 457, -413, 458, -412, 460, -410, 461, -409, 461, -410, 457, -413, 456, -414, 457, -413, 457, -413, 458, -413, 459, -412, 457, -413, 455, -414, 459, -412, 458, -1227, 487, -412, 460, -410, 429, -441, 458, -412, 456, -415, 458, -1227, 488, -1226, 486, -390, 480, -1228, 489, -410, 459, -411, 459, -412, 457, -413, 458, -1227, 487, -412, 457, -414, 460, -410, 458, -412, 459, -411, 459, -412, 459, -1229, 485, -411, 456, -414, 430, -441, 428, -442, 457, -413, 431, -439, 459, -411, 459, -412, 460, -411, 458, -387, 481, -413, 463, -408, 459, -411, 462, -408, 464, -406, 430, -441, 457, -413, 459, -411, 456, -415, 457, -1228, 489, -410, 458, -412, 461, -409, 459, -411, 458, -392, 480, -410, 460, -411, 458, -412, 460, -409, 459, -411, 459, -412, 458, -412, 459, -411, 431, -440, 428, -442, 459, -411, 456, -415, 456, -414, 457, -413, 459, -412, 458, -411, 455, -415, 462, -409, 458, -413, 456, -414, 454, -415, 460, -411, 457, -413, 460, -410, 459, -1227, 490, -408, 459, -411, 461, -410, 460, -1227, 457, -1258, 483, -1229, 459, -439, 456, -415, 456, -414, 458, -412, 457, -413, 458, -412, 458, -412, 458, -411, 460, -412, 463, -408, 460, -409, 461, -410, 457, -413, 456, -414, 464, -406, 461, -409, 460, -411, 460, -1226, 487, -1227, 487, -1226, 486, -1229, 486]
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz
  - platform: template
    name: 'AC SR Off'
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [3540, -1627, 532, -1183, 535, -1179, 533, -340, 533, -335, 535, -336, 532, -1180, 537, -335, 535, -334, 537, -1178, 535, -1179, 536, -334, 534, -1182, 534, -363, 505, -336, 537, -1177, 536, -1179, 537, -335, 534, -1179, 534, -1181, 535, -332, 536, -335, 537, -1178, 534, -335, 534, -336, 537, -1178, 535, -364, 505, -337, 534, -334, 536, -338, 531, -337, 535, -335, 535, -336, 534, -339, 530, -337, 534, -338, 533, -336, 532, -338, 535, -337, 534, -338, 528, -343, 530, -8941, 3542, -1626, 536, -1177, 536, -1181, 532, -341, 530, -336, 537, -363, 507, -1176, 537, -334, 534, -338, 533, -1180, 536, -1180, 535, -335, 534, -1180, 533, -337, 535, -334, 537, -1176, 535, -1181, 536, -334, 537, -1177, 536, -1179, 537, -361, 506, -337, 533, -1180, 534, -365, 506, -337, 533, -1179, 536, -336, 535, -335, 534, -364, 507, -335, 529, -370, 507, -363, 505, -364, 509, -336, 532, -336, 534, -364, 507, -337, 532, -336, 534, -338, 534, -335, 534, -199, 669, -339, 533, -364, 507, -336, 535, -331, 537, -337, 536, -337, 531, -365, 506, -365, 507, -336, 531, -366, 506, -334, 536, -1179, 535, -1179, 537, -362, 508, -1178, 536, -336, 534, -1180, 532, -1182, 534, -337, 534, -1177, 537, -336, 534, -363, 505, -339, 531, -337, 536, -333, 535, -365, 506, -1180, 534, -338, 530, -337, 534, -366, 505, -336, 533, -366, 507, -335, 532, -368, 503, -336, 533, -338, 536, -336, 532, -335, 536, -365, 505, -341, 530, -1181, 533, -1181, 535, -1178, 534, -336, 534, -1182, 531, -1183, 532, -1182, 533, -338, 532, -336, 533, -366, 507, -336, 533, -338, 530, -342, 530, -337, 532, -341, 530, -339, 530, -341, 529, -341, 528, -339, 530, -370, 500, -341, 533, -365, 505, -337, 531, -342, 528, -339, 533, -339, 533, -338, 530, -340, 531, -340, 529, -339, 531, -339, 530, -341, 525, -345, 524, -347, 530, -339, 526, -373, 501, -1183, 531, -342, 527, -345, 524, -344, 529, -1183, 532, -1183, 526, -1188, 529, -340, 528, -344, 529, -369, 500, -344, 521, -349, 525, -345, 524, -346, 527, -344, 527, -345, 524, -344, 523, -347, 523, -349, 519, -350, 527, -343, 524, -1187, 529, -343, 525, -1188, 499, -373, 521, -348, 524, -348, 497, -374, 496]
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz

To answer my other post regarding what raw codes to use in the log, grab the first set of codes and concatenate them between [ ].
So grab all the [remote.raw:028] lines up and including the [remote.raw:041]. It’s ok some codes will be longer than others. I have a few of those.

1 Like

Ok. I got past the first hurdle. I am looking at another issue as I am figuring out my automation. The frontend UI shows it as a toggle. That is when I turn it on, it switches to ‘on’ momentary and back to the ‘off’ state, but the AC unit is on. How do I set it as an on/off switch?

Found the Fix:
I found the fix at this post

Need to add these 2 lines under swtich:

    optimistic: True
    assumed_state: True

Duplicated your turn_on_action code with a turn_off_action` code underneath it.

1 Like

Just seen this thread. Here’s my reliably functioning yaml:

  device_name: ir_blaster
  friendly_name: "IR Blaster"

  name: ${device_name}
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

  ssid: "SSID"
  password: !secret wifi_password
  fast_connect: on

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "IR Blaster AP"
    password: !secret ap_password


# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
  password: !secret api_password
    - service: send_raw_command # service name (device name will be used as prefix)
      variables: # list of service params
        command: int[]
        - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
            carrier_frequency: 38kHz
            code: !lambda 'return command;' # use array from service param

  password: !secret ota_password

- platform: restart
  name: "${friendly_name} REBOOT"

    number: GPIO14
    inverted: True
    mode: INPUT_PULLUP
  #dump: raw

  pin: GPIO4
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%

…and and image of the blaster:

I used the circuit outlined here:

EDIT: Oh and I use them with SmartIR…

Hi guys, I also have a problem and I can’t figure out where I’m wrong.
My .yaml is:

  name: covers
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

  ssid: "******"
  password: "*****"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Covers Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "iTNRIDHzpBDL"


# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


  broker: ''
  username: 'homeassistant'
  password: '*****'

    number: D5
    inverted: true
  dump: raw
  tolerance: 50%
  filter: 250us
  idle: 4ms
  buffer_size: 2kb

  - id: firstCover
    pin: D4
    carrier_duty_percent: 100%

And when i press on up button on the remote i receive:

[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 1413, -380, 695, -370, 699, -372, 701, -725, 348, -367, 705, -369, 703, -723, 351, -367
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:028]: Received Raw: -724, 350, -717, 357, -713, 357, -361, 710, -739, 336, -796, 272, -400, 673, -719, 354, -355, 714, -359, 712, -361, 709, -717, 356, -359, 712, -360, 700, -3950, 346, -365, 707, -719, 357, -360, 711, -360, 712, -361, 709, -797, 280, -660, 
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]:   406, -389, 682, -368, 704, -717
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 1475, -360, 712, -415, 657, -627, 443, -725, 347, -362, 709, -361, 709, -718, 355, -360, 711, -717, 357, -360, 711, -361, 313
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 358, -358, 712, -717, 356, -715, 358, -357, 716, -711, 361, -384, 685, -440, 632, -370, 703, -716, 358, -358, 714, -362, 710, -362, 709, -361, 711, -361, 711
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 708, -367, 703, -721, 356, -360, 710, -362, 710, -364, 707, -1061
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 1470, -362, 710, -363, 709, -362, 710, -719, 354, -362, 710, -417, 655, -729, 344, -365, 709, -718, 355, -361, 710, -362, 710, -718, 355, -717, 355, -717
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: -359, 713, -713, 360, -356, 714, -358, 712, -361, 712, -738, 337, -602, 470, -368, 705, -368, 703, -364, 710, -362, 707, -720, 354, -363, 710, -718, 356, -361
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: -368, 705, -364, 708, -719
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 707, -720, 355, -361, 711, -362, 710, -718, 355, -360, 712, -737, 336, -393, 678, -371, 702, -717, 356, -716, 358, -714, 360, -713, 359, -358, 714, -716, 356
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 711, -365, 710, -714, 359, -359, 715, -358, 712, -386, 688, -417, 658, -394, 677, -719, 354, -360, 711, -716, 358, -359, 711, -362, 711, -362, 708, -720
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:028]: Received Raw: 1473, -363, 709, -366, 379, -3912, 707, -722, 353, -361, 713, -717, 356, -361, 711, -362, 712, -752, 321, -743, 333, -723, 350, -713, 362, -356, 716, -713, 360, -713, 362, -354, 718, -712, 366, -353, 3592, -702, 711, -361, 712, -361, 712, 
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]:   -361, 711, -363, 713, -803, 270, -382, 687, -738, 338, -363, 711, -358, 713, -365, 707, -719, 355, -361, 711, -362, 710, -363, 674
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 1467, -360, 710, -363, 707, -365, 711, -720, 354, -359, 602
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 354, -363, 708, -362, 711, -717, 356, -715, 358, -713, 360, -729, 343, -374, 699, -715, 358, -710, 367, -349, 717, -711, 361, -356, 716, -356, 715, -358, 712
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 710, -363, 707, -718, 356, -360, 712, -718, 356, -360, 712, -392, 680, -488, 585, -726, 347, -358, 714, -360, 711, -362, 711, -717, 2717
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:028]: Received Raw: 1474, -378, 694, -371, 700, -363, 707, -719, 353, -362, 709, -364, 708, -719, 354, -361, 710, -3936, 352, -719, 354, -716, 358, -714, 359, -356, 717, -713, 359, -745, 328, -374, 696, -714, 359, -358, 713, -356, 713, -362, 709, -716, 356, 
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]:   -360, 711, -363, 709, -362, 508
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 352, -363, 711, -362, 711, -361, 711, -718, 355, -742, 332, -735, 336, -722, 352, -355
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 1475, -360, 710, -362, 712, -416, 658, -735, 339, -360, 711, -361, 712, -715, 356, -360, 713, -717, 355, -360, 713, -361, 710
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 714, -713, 362, -709, 363, -353, 717, -711, 360, -354, 717, -378, 693, -377, 692, -721, 353, -358, 714, -359, 711, -360, 712, -361, 709, -364, 710, -719, 353
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 708, -718, 356, -716, 359, -713, 360, -713, 360, -373
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 707, -364, 707, -365, 706, -723, 353, -362, 711, -463, 607, -898, 1249, -718, 355, -360, 713, -360, 712, -716, 357, -715, 360, -712, 359, -715
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: -715, 360, -356, 715, -358, 713, -361, 712, -716, 359, -397, 674, -480, 594, -365, 706, -361, 712, -362, 711, -717, 356, -361, 711, -717, 358, -360, 712, -3936, 1428, -715, 359, -355
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 661
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 355, -359, 712, -360, 712, -715, 358, -358, 714, -741, 333, -386, 686, -400, 672, -721, 352, -714, 359, -713, 360, -711, 362, -356, 716, -714, 358, -714, 251
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 711, -715, 358, -358, 712, -361, 711, -364, 710, -432, 637, -482, 592, -725, 349, -371, 701, -715, 358, -358, 712, -361, 712, -360, 712, -717, 355
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 2871
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 1478, -358, 709, -363, 708, -362
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: -362, 711, -715, 357, -359, 712, -360, 711, -745, 326, -750, 323, -751, 321, -712, 359, -354, 717, -713, 358, -712, 360, -355, 716, -713, 360, -356, 714
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 709, -362, 711, -360, 710, -362, 711, -715, 355, -391, 679, -897, 1250, -365, 706, -363, 708, -718, 356, -712, 359, -714, 359, -712, 359, -356, 513
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 1472, -358, 712, -360, 711, -360, 711, -716, 356, -360, 710, -362, 464
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 708, -715, 357, -714, 359, -712, 361, -711, 362, -374, 698, -750, 323, -712, 361, -356, 714, -711, 362, -355, 716, -357, 711, -360, 713, -716, 358, -360
[09:12:37][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: -719, 353, -363, 712, -719, 358, -358, 714, -360, 711, -389, 686, -740, 335, -717, 356, -716, 359, -712, 359, -357, 3997

This raw is not working:
-724, 350, -717, 357, -713, 357, -361, 710, -739, 336, -796, 272, -400, 673, -719, 354, -355, 714, -359, 712, -361, 709, -717, 356, -359, 712, -360, 700, -3950, 346, -365, 707, -719, 357, -360, 711, -360, 712, -361, 709, -797, 280, -660, 406, -389, 682, -368, 704, -717

I try like this:

  - platform: template
    name: "Screen up"
        code: [-724, 350, -717, 357, -713, 357, -361, 710, -739, 336, -796, 272, -400, 673, -719, 354, -355, 714, -359, 712, -361, 709, -717, 356, -359, 712, -360, 700, -3950, 346, -365, 707, -719, 357, -360, 711, -360, 712, -361, 709, -797, 280, -660, 406, -389, 682, -368, 704, -717]

Thank you!

1 Like

I don’t know if it matters, try adding these other lines as well.

  - platform: template
    name: 'SOME NAME'
    optimistic: True
    assumed_state: True
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [YOUR IR CODE]
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz

Thank you, but still not working.

  - platform: template
    name: "Cover Open"
    id: open_cover_switch
    optimistic: true
    assumed_state: True
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [2121, -1714, 62, -54, 5684, -225, 78, -71, 51, -118, 4648, -68, 71, -561, 99, -113, 82, -189, 57, -125, 287, -70, 144, -74, 532, -136, 121, -9626, 1462, -364, 703, -869, 201, -1803, 337, -367, 700, -357, 711, -711, 357, -355, 714, -711, 358, -356, 712, -356, 347, -3209, 361, -706, 365, -350, 718, -707, 363, -706, 365, -350, 717, -707, 363, -511, 557, -602, 467, -376, 693, -711, 359, -351, 717, -352, 716, -354, 713, -355, 713, -356, 711, -2849, 141, -574, 712, -359, 712, -357, 711, -714, 356, -357, 710, -358, 710, -359, 709, -1495, 6914, -4762, 1477, -353, 715, -355, 714, -356, 710, -712, 359, -354, 713, -467, 604, -729, 340, -373, 696, -709, 361, -352, 716, -354, 714, -709, 361, -707, 362, -706, 362, -2845, 306, -762, 366, -348, 721, -705, 364, -349, 719, -351, 717, -354, 715, -1000, 71, -1007, 61, -369, 702, -365, 704, -352, 716, -353, 715, -709, 361, -352, 716, -709, 362, -353, 480, -3084, 356, -355, 716, -354, 713, -356, 712, -711, 7706, -4767, 198, -2695, 125, -942, 711, -713, 356, -356, 711, -358, 709, -713, 356, -357, 711, -790, 280, -917, 151, -360, 705, -709, 359, -704, 364, -704, 365, -702, 366, -348, 718, -703, 365, -701, 78, -2055, 84, -628, 188, -879, 718, -353, 714, -707, 362, -353, 714, -354, 713, -356, 711, -495, 572, -589, 479, -728, 342, -355, 712, -709, 361, -352, 715, -354, 712, -356, 711, -712, 357, -353, 85, -2052, 56, -1368, 7704, -4770, 1474, -353, 715, -355, 712, -355, 94, -2040, 56, -1012, 711, -711, 360, -355, 714, -711, 358, -356, 712, -356, 713, -2851, 359, -712, 357, -346, 721, -701, 368, -701, 369, -347, 721, -703, 366, -347, 706, -2857, 340, -375, 717, -353, 716, -353, 714, -356, 712, -356, 712, -712, 358, -780, 290, -955, 116, -365, 703, -361, 707, -353, 714, -708, 361, -353, 715, -354, 714, -355, 713, -709, 144, -3737, 3827, -4785, 1458, -355, 713, -356, 712, -357, 711, -712, 358, -356, 713, -357, 391, -3170, 359, -355, 716, -358, 711, -711, 359, -710, 359, -709, 362, -706, 364, -496, 574, -795, 276, -715, 356, -353, 716, -706, 364, -347, 721, -351, 717, -352, 715, -708, 363, -351, 150, -3059, 710, -361, 712, -713, 358, -356, 713, -712, 360, -355, 714, -357, 712, -473, 597, -732, 339, -378, 691, -360, 709, -356, 713, -714, 3638, -3930, 136, -4775, 1473, -456, 616, -500, 570, -376, 693, -713, 360, -353, 716, -354, 714, -711, 360, -355, 714, -711, 358, -2850, 279, -790, 364, -708, 364, -705, 365, -350, 719, -706, 364, -706, 365, -761, 309, -1018, 1124, -361, 707, -349, 720, -705, 366, -349, 719, -351, 718, -353, 717, -354, 472, -2738, 87, -71, 83, -1186, 364, -354, 716, -355, 715, -356, 714, -712, 359, -355, 715, -633, 438, -632, 438, -722, 7234, -5254, 1477, -356, 714, -358, 711, -358, 711, -804, 269, -717, 353, -370, 700, -712, 358, -353, 716, -709, 361, -353, 715, -355, 714, -711, 361, -708, 2253, -599, 271, -56, 67, -62, 106, -54, 53, -757, 365, -706, 366, -350, 718, -708, 366, -350, 718, -353, 717, -428, 642, -757, 315, -367, 704, -357, 713, -354, 715, -356, 714, -357, 713, -713, 359, -355, 712, -2498, 83, -988, 715, -714, 358, -711, 361, -710, 365, -705, 363, -351, 8065, -6606, 717, -357, 714, -356, 713, -713, 358, -356, 713, -357, 712, -988, 86, -1791, 353, -363, 706, -351, 718, -707, 363, -708, 364, -705, 366, -703, 368, -347, 480, -2730, 97, -1331, 365, -348, 720, -351, 719, -353, 717, -708, 364, -351, 717, -604, 467, -810, 262, -368, 702, -355, 715, -708, 363, -351, 718, -708, 364, -351, 717, -355, 714, -354, 172, -2322, 83, -987, 364, -706, 364, -349, 8069, -4769, 1474, -355, 172, -3389, 358, -358, 711, -358, 711, -713, 358, -357, 714, -713, 358, -356, 713, -470, 600, -798, 274, -723, 347, -707, 362, -704, 366, -350, 719, -706, 364, -703, 367, -350, 718, -2489, 94, -976, 715, -712, 362, -351, 716, -355, 714, -357, 712, -358, 712, -920, 151, -1463, 677, -713, 358, -352, 716, -354, 715, -355, 715, -709, 361, -708, 363, -705, 194, -3883, 157]
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz
  - platform: template
    name: "Cover Stop"
    id: stop_cover_switch
    optimistic: true
    assumed_state: True
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [-66, 101, -448, 3425, -5895, 710, -367, 707, -363, 707, -722, 353, -364, 709, -362, 711, -940, 135, -682, 391, -752, 322, -361, 711, -357, 716, -712, 363, -710, 364, -708, 363, -709, 366, -349, 101, -2403, 175, -543, 722, -708, 368, -351, 718, -355, 720, -354, 718, -712, 364, -354, 719, -1529, 620, -374, 698, -357, 715, -711, 362, -355, 719, -711, 363, -354, 719, -710, 305, -2559, 127, -504, 1166, -353, 720, -709, 7739, -4790, 1329, -2656, 115, -74, 53, -1191, 361, -353, 718, -358, 716, -713, 362, -357, 716, -713, 362, -686, 390, -768, 305, -746, 331, -707, 366, -705, 370, -702, 371, -348, 725, -707, 368, -702, 371, -346, 186, -3036, 270, -81, 52, -289, 1106, -709, 365, -353, 719, -355, 718, -356, 718, -357, 717, -458, 613, -752, 324, -387, 687, -711, 365, -352, 719, -711, 365, -352, 721, -711, 363, -354, 719, -2856, 284, -824, 6637, -4788, 1485, -355, 717, -356, 716, -358, 709, -2505, 110, -1319, 360, -355, 719, -713, 361, -355, 716, -356, 716, -713, 361, -854, 219, -817, 257, -724, 349, -360, 713, -704, 369, -702, 369, -348, 724, -706, 366, -350, 722, -351, 356, -2145, 56, -662, 154, -919, 718, -357, 716, -357, 716, -358, 715, -714, 360, -357, 716, -857, 219, -600, 472, -730, 345, -353, 720, -708, 363, -351, 721, -709, 364, -352, 721, -710, 662, -3873, 3204, -4837, 1437, -355, 719, -352, 720, -354, 717, -714, 362, -354, 718, -356, 717, -2858, 212, -506, 720, -356, 718, -712, 362, -711, 364, -711, 365, -709, 367, -431, 644, -1794, 357, -352, 722, -702, 373, -346, 726, -348, 726, -350, 722, -709, 369, -350, 512, -2710, 110, -965, 719, -712, 363, -354, 720, -711, 363, -354, 718, -711, 365, -600, 474, -885, 193, -365, 709, -711, 363, -349, 723, -709, 4066, -8469, 1483, -577, 497, -821, 255, -374, 699, -714, 360, -351, 720, -354, 720, -711, 363, -354, 720, -710, 364, -351, 127, -2377, 140, -932, 366, -709, 366, -707, 366, -352, 722, -709, 367, -707, 368, -349, 724, -1610, 540, -364, 709, -351, 721, -708, 369, -348, 725, -351, 722, -353, 722, -356, 694, -2529, 119, -1313, 365, -355, 718, -713, 362, -355, 719, -711, 364, -355, 720, -812, 263, -1024, 8176, -5123, 1488, -356, 719, -356, 719, -354, 717, -864, 212, -947, 129, -362, 712, -711, 362, -351, 725, -705, 367, -351, 722, -353, 721, -709, 365, -706, 57, -2089, 59, -658, 238, -1194, 369, -707, 365, -349, 722, -709, 369, -348, 724, -351, 722, -420, 653, -755, 321, -368, 705, -354, 718, -353, 718, -355, 719, -356, 717, -714, 362, -354, 719, -2859, 290, -426, 721, -713, 362, -353, 719, -712, 364, -355, 717, -712]
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz
  - platform: template
    name: "Cover Close"
    id: close_cover_switch
    optimistic: true
    assumed_state: True
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [-210, 507, -950, 4425, -3378, 54, -71, 58, -67, 61, -59, 9666, -378, 189, -222, 91, -195, 66, -7785, 51, -377, 54, -441, 706, -366, 705, -369, 701, -718, 354, -361, 709, -362, 708, -1537, 608, -747, 325, -372, 697, -359, 710, -712, 360, -710, 361, -707, 365, -705, 365, -349, 703, -2510, 122, -1304, 363, -352, 720, -353, 717, -353, 716, -708, 365, -350, 718, -809, 262, -1437, 701, -369, 700, -708, 363, -349, 720, -705, 365, -350, 718, -351, 718, -708, 122, -2729, 178, -380, 52, -68, 1109, -707, 7706, -4764, 1479, -351, 381, -3183, 360, -353, 715, -358, 713, -710, 360, -355, 716, -712, 358, -352, 717, -516, 554, -893, 179, -722, 350, -704, 365, -703, 367, -347, 723, -703, 370, -699, 370, -345, 722, -2484, 54, -1016, 714, -712, 362, -351, 718, -352, 716, -351, 715, -355, 714, -355, 713, -1695, 445, -720, 351, -353, 713, -354, 715, -706, 364, -703, 367, -347, 720, -349, 717, -3514, 52, -67, 58, -64, 5722, -4767, 1474, -352, 717, -352, 716, -356, 710, -709, 360, -2848, 298, -415, 714, -712, 359, -353, 716, -354, 714, -709, 361, -708, 361, -992, 80, -1458, 681, -703, 366, -701, 368, -345, 723, -699, 369, -345, 722, -349, 719, -350, 497, -2710, 119, -66, 52, -832, 715, -359, 709, -357, 712, -710, 359, -355, 713, -709, 361, -681, 388, -937, 134, -719, 350, -703, 365, -350, 716, -349, 720, -703, 366, -701, 1990, -3441, 54, -84, 62, -54, 54, -6837, 1368, -373, 693, -359, 711, -353, 713, -711, 361, -352, 717, -354, 714, -708, 361, -353, 216, -2993, 201, -242, 52, -87, 68, -774, 358, -709, 363, -705, 363, -705, 364, -349, 720, -919, 151, -1735, 403, -713, 356, -346, 721, -348, 718, -352, 716, -706, 366, -348, 719, -350, 718, -352, 68, -2070, 55, -72, 53, -1241, 362, -354, 715, -709, 362, -350, 717, -353, 716, -708, 362, -1552, 587, -448, 621, -717, 353, -703, 5627, -6851, 1476, -354, 713, -482, 587, -1799, 343, -382, 684, -354, 712, -709, 361, -353, 716, -708, 362, -351, 715, -354, 662, -2896, 362, -708, 362, -350, 719, -706, 363, -703, 365, -349, 718, -705, 364, -767, 301, -1437, 700, -706, 362, -348, 719, -349, 719, -350, 716, -350, 715, -354, 714, -708, 124, -2019, 53, -162, 54, -438, 166, -417, 58, -429, 714, -712, 358, -706, 362, -351, 715, -354, 713, -710, 360, -773, 7637, -4766, 1475, -355, 714, -354, 714, -356, 712, -709, 359, -354, 715, -563, 506, -775, 295, -381, 687, -709, 360, -351, 715, -354, 714, -708, 360, -707, 363, -704, 364, -705, 2243, -71, 53, -836, 365, -348, 718, -704, 363, -349, 720, -352, 714, -354, 715, -1509, 631, -558, 510, -374, 693, -353, 713, -356, 714, -707, 362, -352, 713, -711, 361, -351, 714, -2846, 276, -72, 1082, -353, 715, -708, 360, -707, 7711, -4768, 534, -2365, 104, -969, 708, -713, 357, -357, 712, -359, 711, -710, 358, -357, 711, -1012, 57, -1476, 665, -711, 357, -704, 364, -704, 367, -700, 368, -346, 722, -704, 365, -702, 192, -2660, 136, -78, 51, -804, 718, -353, 716, -708, 363, -351, 715, -355, 715, -354, 713, -747, 323, -1796, 342, -358, 708, -703, 365]
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz

This is the rest of my settings. Worth a try to mimic mine to see if it will work.

    number: GPIO15
    inverted: True
    mode: INPUT_PULLUP
  dump: raw

  pin: GPIO2
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%

Still no luck for me …!
This is’t mai remote. Any ideeas?
WhatsApp Image 2020-11-17 at 15.08.35 (1)|375x500