Request: will any user successfully using ESPhome as a remote IR transmitter please post their yaml

Not sure what problem you are having, but your remote seems to be an RF remote (433MHz) while all the other posts in the thread are about Infra Red (IR) remotes.

This requires different configuration according to ESPHome docs, but I am not familiar with this type of remote so cannot really help there.

@cristianchiribes, at some post above glmnet was saying that the numbers in raw format represent time of the transmission (when positive) and the delay (no activity) when negative. Assuming this, the sequence of codes in raw format cannot start with negative number as the receiver cannot know when “pause” (no activity) starts…
This can indicate that your sequence is recorded “negative” and in order to fix it I would try to add inverted: false (opposite to what you have) to your pin definition for receiver. Then I would see how the raw codes looks and if the are starting with positive number. If so, then would try this code.

First major step in remote IR integration with HA is behind me with major success!
This topic helped me a Great Deal as after reading it I actually with very slight challenges made the concept working. I can now easily read any code from any of my remote (have more then 10) and play them successfully from ESP32 board!
Especially wanted to thank @DeeBeeKay @glmnet and @Holdestmade ! :slight_smile:

Next are the steps to integrate it more with HA and also consider to replace my Harmony universal remote (which is old and already some buttons do not work correctly) with some smartphone (or other device) based one the established platform.

Although ESPHome is really easy to set, can any of you try Tasmota IR for the similar purpose? Even if not all IR codes are recognized, it has the largest devices database of the DIY solutions.

@Rikels I like your idea very much. It helps to make the configuration clean and I do not have to compile&upload new code to esp32 each time i have new RC button to define.
Hoever I have trouble to call the service from your exmaple. I have defined the service as per your example:

   - service: pioneer
       keycode: int[]
     - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
         code: !lambda 'return keycode;'
         carrier_frequency: 38kHz

It compiles OK but for some reason I cannot get right format of data to call the service.
Trying with developer tools:

and gettig the following error:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [2730016120] Error handling message: expected dict for dictionary value @ data['service_data']. Got [8556, -4204, 585, -1539, 582, -514, 562, -1561, 559, -512, 565, -505, 560, -1563, 558, -513, 563, -1560, 561, -510, 566, -1557, 564, -507, 558, -1565, 566, -1532, 589, -507, 558, -1565, 567, -504, 561, -510, 558, -1539, 590, -507, 559, -511, 565, -1532, 589, -507, 558, -513, 564, -506, 559, -1539, 582, -514, 562, -1561, 560, -1538, 593, -503, 562, -1561, 560, -1539, 592, -1533, 587]

Was trying with different combination of brackets and apostrphes (’ " ) - no luck :frowning:
I hope I am doing some simple/stupid error here…

Can you share example how do you call the service from your script (or other “place”) ?

keycode: [8556, -4204, ...]

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Thank you. Yes, now it works fine and I am almost 100% happy.
The reason why is not 100% is that when I compile my script (with such entry):

  alias: 'TV Power'
  mode: single
  #   sequence: TV Samsung - power toggle
  - service: esphome.esp06_rc_tower_others
      keycode: [4559, -4505, 586, -1666, 583, -1669, 581, -1671, 578, -575, 555, -572, 559, -567, 552, -575, 555, -571, 559, -1693, 556, -1669, 581, -1671, 589, -538, 581, -572, 564, -562, 552, -575, 555, -571, 559, -568, 551, -1700, 561, -566, 553, -573, 557, -570, 560, -566, 554, -572, 558, -569, 561, -1664, 585, -568, 552, -1700, 560, -1665, 584, -1668, 582, -1670, 579, -1674, 587, -1664, 585]

Here is my configuration on ESP32:

    - service: others
        keycode: int[]
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: !lambda 'return keycode;'
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz

And when I do Reload scripts I am getting the following error in log:

Logger: homeassistant.config
First occurred: 7 December 2020, 11:02:46 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 09:49:10
Invalid config for [script]: expected dict for dictionary value @ data['sequence'][0]['data']. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 30). 

Despite the error it works fine. Any suggestion what I need to change to have it perfect (no errors in log) ?

Hi didn’t check here for quite a time… Glad to see that you figured it out, it was indeed also what I wanted, not having to flash the ESP every time you want to add a new code. My attempt was just a test, so had to set it all up again now.

I’m not sure why it triggers an error Got None instead of data. Have you perhaps added another piece of code around line 30?

This is 1 of the routines in my script:

  mode: parallel
    - service: esphome.temperaturemeter_remote_aiwa
        keycode: [ 4564, -4440, 630, -494, 627, -495, 626, -1618, 628, -1616, 627, -496, 628, -1616, 628, -495, 601, -521, 627, -495, 602, -520, 627, -1617, 628, -1617, 626, -496, 628, -1617, 600, -522, 602, -520, 627, -1617, 601, -1643, 627, -1617, 626, -497, 600, -1645, 600, -521, 626, -497, 601, -521, 600, -521, 628, -495, 600, -522, 627, -1618, 601, -520, 627, -1617, 628, -1617, 601, -1643, 626 ]

So that seems to be correct at your side, I think there’s another part of your scripts.yaml file that triggers that error.

Thank you.
All is working fine on my side now.

I am not sure either but after update either core or supervisor (do not remember which one) the error message (showed eat time I have reloaded scripts) is gone - no change from my side.
All in all I am happy and using this solution. I am actually amazed how easy it is to make such universal and powerful IR system integrated with HA. Can read ANY code from ANY remote and make ANY combination to control ALL my devices and integrate with any other automation… :smile:

1 Like

Haha, yes. It took me some time investing how ESPHome works and finding the service part. But after that it was easy to create it. It’s indeed awesome how versatile everything is and nicely integrates.

Good to hear that the error went away!

Only works with raw code ?
i am getting error while compiling with sony

  name: ir_remote
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini

  ssid: "ssid"
  password: "pass"


# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
    - service: others
        keycode: int[]
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_sony:
          data: !lambda 'return keycode;'
          nbits: 12
            times: 3
            wait_time: 40ms


  pin: GPIO5
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%

error -

src/main.cpp: In lambda function:
src/main.cpp:179:14: error: cannot convert 'std::vector<int>' to 'uint16_t {aka short unsigned int}' in return
       return keycode;
Compiling /data/ir_remote/.pioenvs/ir_remote/lib4d9/ESP8266WiFi/ESP8266WiFiGeneric.cpp.o
src/main.cpp:180:3: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]
Compiling /data/ir_remote/.pioenvs/ir_remote/lib4d9/ESP8266WiFi/ESP8266WiFiGratuitous.cpp.o
*** [/data/ir_remote/.pioenvs/ir_remote/src/main.cpp.o] Error 1
========================= [FAILED] Took 56.02 seconds =========================

edit - changing int[] to int fixed it

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I read all the replies and it seems like you are an expert now. I’m struggling for a couple day to capture an ac remote control signal through the receiver and copy it to transmitter to send it back
I’m using esp32 and I think my problem is something on the capture process
Can you see what’s the problem or can you guide me what to do

  name: multiclass
  platform: ESP32
  board: nodemcu-32s

  ssid: ""
  password: ""

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Multiclass Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "tujj7PNE3G2R"


# Enable logging

  level: DEBUG

# Enable Home Assistant API

  - platform: dht
    model: dht11
    pin: GPIO2
      name: "class_Temperature"
      name: "clas_Humidity"
    update_interval: 60s
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO4
    name: "class_Motion"
    device_class: motion

    number: GPIO25
    mode: INPUT_PULLUP
    inverted: True
  dump: raw
  pin: GPIO26
  # Infrared remotes use a 50% carrier signal
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%
#  - platform: template
#    name: RawCode Button
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
#          code: [4088, -1542, 1019, -510, 513, -1019, 510, -509, 511, -510, 1020,
#                 -1020, 1022, -1019, 510, -509, 511, -510, 511, -509, 511, -510,
#                1020, -1019, 510, -511, 1020, -510, 512, -508, 510, -1020, 1022]
#          carrier_frequency: 38kHz
#          repeat:
#            times: 3
#            wait_time: 20ms
  - platform: template
    name: "Light - Fan Light On"
    id: fan_light_on
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [ -562, 693, -562, 692, -562, 693, -562, 693, -562, 692, -562, 692, -563, 692, -562, 693,
                  -562, 692, -562, 693, -562, 692, -562, 692, -563, 692, -562, 693, -562, 692, -562, 692,
                  -563, 692, -562, 693, -562, 692, -562, 692, -563, 692, -562, 692, -562, 693, -562, 692,
                  -1849, 624, -628, 693, -1848, 624, -629, 692, -563, 692, -562, 693, -562, 692, -563, 691,
                  -563, 692, -562, 693, -561, 693, -1848, 625, -628, 692, -1848, 624, -630, 692, -1848, 624]
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz
  - platform: template
    name: " RawCode Button "
    id: fan_light_off
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [4088, -1542, 1019, -510, 513, -1019, 510, -509, 511, -510, 1020,
                 -1020, 1022, -1019, 510, -509, 511, -510, 511, -509, 511, -510,
                1020, -1019, 510, -511, 1020, -510, 512, -508, 510, -1020, 1022]
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz
            times: 3
            wait_time: 20ms 

and this is what iget on the log

[17:58:26][D][sensor:092]: 'class_Temperature': Sending state nan °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[17:58:26][D][sensor:092]: 'clas_Humidity': Sending state nan % with 0 decimals of accuracy
[17:58:27][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 80
[17:58:29][D][remote.raw:028]: Received Raw: -5080, 625, -1914, 625, -1914, 626, -628, 694, -561, 694, -561, 693, -562, 694, -1845, 626, -1912, 627, -628, 694, -561, 694, -561, 693, -562, 693, -561, 694, -561, 694, -560, 695, -1845, 625, -629, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, 
[17:58:29][D][remote.raw:028]:   -560, 694, -1846, 626, -1912, 627, -1915, 624, -629, 694, -561, 693, -561, 694, -561, 694, -560, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 693, -562, 693, -561, 694, -561, 694, -560, 695, -1845, 626, -1914, 625, -628, 695, -561, 693, -562, 693, -561, 
[17:58:29][D][remote.raw:028]:   694, -561, 693, -562, 693, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -560, 695, -560, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 693, -1847, 625, -628, 695, -561, 693, -562, 693, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 693, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 693, 
[17:58:29][D][remote.raw:028]:   -561, 695, -560, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -560, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 693, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 693, -562, 693, -561, 694, -561, 693, -562, 694, -561, 694, -560, 694, -561, 694, -561, 693, 
[17:58:29][D][remote.raw:041]:   -1847, 625, -629, 693, -1846, 626, -629, 694, -560, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 694, -561, 693, -561, 694, -561, 693, -1847, 625, -629, 694, -1845, 626, -629, 694, -1845, 626

Didn’t read through the whole thread but in my case I needed to repeat the signal multiple times and add an extra number to my rf code in order for it to work.

From the quick first look there should NOT be negative code at the beginning of the sequence as negative (like -5080) means PAUSE, so you cannot start your coeds sequence with pause. And this is what I see your logs.
Try configuring your remote-recevier with inverter: False so when you received codes, they start with positive numbers
And when pressed button on your remote you received several lines you need to copy all of them to your transmitter.
My config is the same as yours:

    number: D5
    inverted: true
  dump: raw

  pin: GPIO26
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%

As much as I can I will try to help.

1 Like

@ Holdestmade and @Maco65

Where did you get your Samsung codes? Have you seen any codes to go directly to “HDMI#” ?

I have a Samsung q70dt (2020 model) from Costco, I’m struggling with getting the “Power On Default HDMI2” (which is something I did with my previous Samsung Series 7 from 2008 in the Service menu). I’d like to create an IR blaster that will send just that code (maybe others too depending on success :slight_smile: )


I get my codes from my original remote (scaning using IR receiver). I do not believe I have there direct code for switching to particular HDMI input…
Some time ago when I was searching for solution I have found link that can provide codes for specific device:
Let us know if were lucky to get it from there…

I got mine from here, no input codes though:

Thx Guys.

I found this page which was helpful:

From that, I was able to augment my ESP Home with the raw codes for samsung, he notes how he decoded the raw IR. Which may be useful to others.

These worked on y 55" Samsung q70dt:

  pin: D6
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%

  - platform: template
    name: "Samsung TV Power"
        data: 0xE0E040BF
  - platform: template
    name: "Samsung TV Mute"
        data: 0xE0E0F00F
  - platform: template
    name: "Samsung TV Volume Up"
        data: 0xE0E0E01F
  - platform: template
    name: "Samsung TV Volume Down"
        data: 0xE0E0D02F
  - platform: template
    name: "Samsung TV Home"
        data: 0xE0E09E61
  - platform: template
    name: "Samsung TV Exit"
        data: 0xE0E0B44B
  - platform: template
    name: "Samsung HDMI1"
        carrier_frequency: 38029
        code: [+4497,-4497,+552,-1657,+552,-1657,+552,-1657,+552,-552,+552,-552,+552,-552,+552,-552,+552,-552,+552,-1657,+552,-1657,+552,-1657,+552,-552,+552,-552,+552,-552,+552,-552,+552,-552,+552,-1657,+552,-552,+552,-552,+552,-1657,+552,-552,+552,-1657,+552,-1657,+552,-1657,+552,-552,+552,-1657,+552,-1657,+552,-552,+552,-1657,+552,-552,+552,-552,+552,-552,+552,-47858]
  - platform: template
    name: "Samsung HDMI2"
        carrier_frequency: 38029
        code: [+4523,-4497,+552,-1709,+552,-1709,+552,-1709,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-1709,+552,-1709,+552,-1709,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-1709,+552,-1709,+552,-1709,+552,-1709,+552,-1709,+552,-579,+552,-1709,+552,-1709,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-579,+552,-1709,+552,-579,+552,-43993]

As I find more raw codes I’ll try to post them

For circuit construction, I found this helped as well:

1 Like

I wonder if I could get some help. I have a Dyson Hot and Cool fan/heater. When collecting the data dump from the power button press I get the following

[D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 2187, -759, 721, -756, 721, -750, 722, -1407, 722, -1401, 722, -736, 721, -730, 721, -725, 721, -784, 696, -781, 720, -751, 720, -746, 720, -742, 720, -736, 720, -732, 721, -725, 721
[08:10:35][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 2186, -760, 720, -757, 721, -750, 721, -1407, 722, -1402, 721, -736, 720, -732, 721, -725, 720, -785, 719, -757, 721, -751, 719, -747, 696, -766, 720, -736, 720, -732, 721, -725, 721

It seems like I need to send two lots of code. The lines can’t be pasted into one line as there are two positive numbers. Has anyone come across this or a similar device that requires the same type of code?

I think I have similar case with my Pioneer Audio system. Now I do not remember details but as it works fine I believe the solution is to send two (or more) lines of the codes one after another. Also in my case there was a need to add delay between lines when configuring template switch - see example below:

  - platform: template
    name: 'RC-AV - Next source'
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [8556, -4204, 587, -1536, 583, -488, 589, -1534, 586, -485, 591, -479, 587, -1536, 584, -487, 590, -1533, 587, -484, 592, -1531, 590, -481, 584, -1539, 592, -1532, 589, -482, 583, -1540, 591, -480, 586, -1537, 584, -487, 589, -1534, 586, -485, 592, -1531, 589, -481, 585, -1538, 593, -478, 587, -484, 582, -1540, 591, -480, 586, -1537, 583, -488, 588, -1535, 586, -485, 591, -1534, 586]
          carrier_frequency: 40kHz
      - delay: 1 ms
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [8558, -4202, 587, -1537, 584, -486, 590, -1533, 587, -484, 592, -479, 587, -1536, 584, -486, 591, -1532, 589, -482, 583, -1540, 591, -480, 585, -1538, 583, -1541, 590, -481, 584, -1539, 592, -479, 587, -1536, 585, -486, 590, -1533, 588, -483, 582, -1541, 590, -481, 584, -1539, 592, -478, 588, -483, 582, -1541, 590, -480, 586, -1538, 582, -488, 589, -1534, 586, -485, 591, -1534, 587]
          carrier_frequency: 40kHz