Request: Zigma Aerio 300 device support

Hi everyone,
I hope this is the correct forum, since I wasn’t sure if requesting the possibility of a new integration would belong here.

When I searched for air Purifiers and test during the pandemic I found a lot of articles that praise the Zigma Air Purifier. I bought 2 and a third this month and really struggle finding information on any API or approach to get data from this devices, that simply sit in my wifi network.

Aren’t these purifiers as popular as I thought (or as the articles led me to believe)?:thinking:

This is the device:

It can be found from different suppliers for way less than the price listed on the website and for me it seems like a decent device. I lately upgraded the H13 filter for a H14 one.

Would love to get some insight or ideas on that topic. :relaxed:


I share the desire to control the device from Home Assistant, has anyone accomplished anything?


I was hoping that I could reverse engineer their API by using an HTTPS proxy on their app but unfortunately for us (but good architecture for them) I think they’re using some sort of pub/sub rather than API calls.

I opened one up due to my kids fitting a cookie through the grill and the boards have a debug or com port. Sadly I was not able to get the correct Baudrate and - despite receiving data all the time - it was gibberish for me.

Sadly I had to move on before I was able to tinker something together that could be used as a baudrate tester and I lack an oscilloscope - but if anyone would like to get down that route. If I ever feel the need, I will probably check if I can add an esp to that serial port.