Requesting help turning UniFi AP LED on and off through RESTful Switch

Background: I have a UniFi access point directly over the TV in the home theater. I like having the lights on the APs on most of the time, but when watching a movie with the lights off, I prefer to have it off so that it’s not distracting.

Before my recent switch to Home Assistant, I was using HomeSeer and the UniFi plug-in for that directly supported control of the AP LEDs. That doesn’t appear to be the case with Home Assistant’s UniFi Network integration, but if I understand correctly, I should be able to accomplish the same thing using the RESTful Switch integration and the information here about the API:

The problem is that I don’t have enough of an understanding about the API, or about REST in general, to do this without days (or worse) of research. If someone with more experience could help me out, that would be appreciated.
