Reset energy dashboard is not at midnight but 1 hour off? Need option UTC +1

Hi, just can’t find the answer anywhere for my question.
I’ve noticed that the energy dashboard resets at 01:00 hours and not at midnight 00:00 hours.

In my automations there’s no problem with the time settings and HA is correct with my local time settings.
How can I change this, because the energy meters I created are resetting at midnight.
Hope somebody can explain this?
Thanks in advance.


The energy dashboard updates the graphs for the past hour at 14 minutes past the hour.

Thanks @tom_l for the reply. I’ll understand that, but the question is when? So the total reset is at midnight + 14 minutes? Then I’ll still have the problem it isn’t resetting at midnight 00:00 hours but at 01:00 hours and 14 minutes…?
I’m just trying to learn how to resolve the difference I’ll get between self made sensors and the energy dashboard over a period of 1 day???

Is it the Energy dashboard resetting an hour too late or your sensors?

Yes. The reset of the Energy Dashboard takes place not at midnight but at 1 am. Don’t understand why?

Does this make something clear?
Hope your can help @tom_l ?

Another day searching for this problem…:frowning: How can I change the UTC time, without changing the local time? I would like to do something like : UTC+1 Then the dashboard Energy readings and my local readings should be the same. Now it’s always off by 1 hour. So for instance, the used energy on the dashboard and the integration from Solcast are always 1 hour to late and doesn’t measure up with local usage… This can’t be right?
On my router I’ll have the option to set the NTP server at UTC +1. It should be that simple…

Did try to find a solution today.
When setting the Bios to the correct local time on my Mini-PC it’s reset by rebooting HA to UTC time.
So 1 hour to late for what I want.

The option would be to override this?
Perhaps change the hardware time to local?

Love to hear from you @tom_l .

I’d reply if I had anything to add.

Okay. Thanks.

Was looking as I’ve had a similar problem and it’s down to the sensors used to configure the energy dasboard…

My inverter has a daily energy counter that provides a more accurate track than using Riemann sum sensors so I used this and got the same problem you did. When you look at the state of the sensor, there is a sampling lag so, when the inverter resets at midnight, its just after midnight when the sensor resets and the Energy dashboard sees this as consumption in the new day.

I fixed this by feeding the sensor through a utility meter. The utility meter resets at midnight so you no longer get the hang over into the next day.

Don’t know if this will help or point towards something to look into?

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Thanks TonyM1958. The moment I have some spare time, I will try this solution!!

I am having the same issue and there are other threads in this forum that are very similar to this one and none of them seems to reach an conclusion hence this post.
The issue was caused in my case by a daylight saving change. Since that change all energy resets occur at 11pm instead of midnight. My energy meter is some obscure Chinese brand that is eWelink compatible and is integrated to home assistant through the SonoffLAN integration.
Home assistant does know the correct time, its clock is not wrong. In the eWelink app there is no timezone setting (I guess it is taken from the phone timezone directly) and there are no issues in the measurements there.
However when i download the diagnostics for the energy meter device it shows:

    "device": {
      "uiid": 32,
      "params": {
        "bindInfos": "***",
        "version": 8,
        "demNextFetchTime": 1699740000000,
        "timeZone": 3,
        "sledOnline": "off",

It seems like the issue is that the timezone offset is statically set at the time of adding the device and that it does not account for any subsequent daylight saving changes.

This forum is not the right place for this discussion as the issue comes from third party integrations (in my case SonoffLAN - a similar issue might present in the official Sonoff integration as well) however I felt like those threads needed to reach some hint that allows people searching for a solution to keep going.

Same problem here.
Any news how to get this corrected?

I do have same issue, energy dashboard is reseting at midnight +1h.
Anyone found a solution to this problem?