Reset integration after failed setup of Home Connect

I’ve made an attempt to setup the Home Connect integration. For various reasons this did not work and I decided to delete the Application in Home Connect developer site. I then attempted to add the integration again but it then immediately wants to continue with the previous attempt and opens the url with the wrong user, keys, etc.

How do I stop the setup of the home connect integration so I can start all over?

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Having same issue, I suspect the integration partial config flow is stored somewhere but I haven’t figured out yet if it’s in the ‘.storage’ folder or in the database.

I’ve narrowed it down to .storage/application_credentials file which contains the HomeConnect client id an secret.

This worked for me: renamed that file, then restarted Home Assistant and re-added the integration. It started the HomeConnect setup from the beginning.

Hope this helps!

Ah, thanks. I will try and report back later.

update: renamed, restarted and it’s now possible to add the integration again, thanks!

I am surprised that this issue still hasn’t been solved. I click on integration, I authorize the app, I click on link account and then I get a window saying ERROR and that’s it.

Trying to change any configuration is not possible. Took a while to find this thread and when I delete the application_credentials files, it loads the external website. The file gets never created again. This integration is very buggy and non-functional at this stage.

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Yeah I kinda gave up on this integration. Never got it working.

Just made the same mistake today … deleting the content of Homeconnect out of /config/.storage/application_credentials (via terminal) and rebooting the server may lead to an error which is being fixed by HA automatically, but integration can be started from 0 after doing that. If u create the account correctly in HomeConnect it runs fine after granting access.

The actual place to delete this setting is
Settings > Devices & Service > three dotted menu > Application credentials
You’re welcome :slight_smile:


thanks ! it work

This should be the top-ranked answer! Thank you!

Thank you! That’s the solution!

Best answer