Reset normal user (my wife) password


I have admin login working but wife iPhone app ugrade lost HA passowrd and I really can’t remember what it was. I don’t like to remove user and create it all over again or… what would be best solution with this…I am using HassOS 4.12.

If trying to: ha authentication reset --username “JohnDoe” --password “123SuperSecret!”
ERRO[0000] Unexpected server response
this command is limited due to security reasons, and will only work on some locations. For example, the Operating System terminal.
Unexpected server response

edit: trying to do this with ssh (do I really have to attach monitor + keyboard to my Raspberry?)

if you’re able to log as her somewhere else (where the password was automatically saved) you can change the password in HA itself:

  1. Click on the user’s initial (bottom of menu in left bar)
  2. change password

If you can’t log in as her, then use an admin account to delete her and recreate her. Should have little to no impact on your system, especially if the account name is the same

Cannot log in as herself -> choosed delete / create option with same name…

So far it seems that there zero impact…

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