I have a group of RGB lights that are used for 2 purposes: Illumination and notifications
For notifications I set up a script that is added to all notification automations:
alias: Flash Notification Lights
- service: light.turn_on
color_name: homeassistant
flash: long
transition: 0
entity_id: light.notificationlights
- service: light.turn_off
transition: 0
entity_id: light.notificationlights
mode: single
icon: mdi:lightbulb-alert
When the notification script is complete I would like to reset the lights to a “default illumination profile” (e.g. neutral white, 75% brightness). I tried putting it as a step of the above script as another light.turn_on but this looks terrible when flashing the notifications lights.
Is there a way to set light properties WITHOUT turning them on?
Bonus points question: Is there a way do flashing patterns (e.g. 2 short red - pause - 1 long blue) without adding more light.turn_on steps?
By the way, the RGB lights are all from different vendors so there is no common pallet profile I can set on all
I also tried setting the “illumination profile” as a scene and calling that after the turn off step of the script. But this doesn’t reset the lights to the state I want.
Ideally I would like to set the lights back to the previous state but I don’t want to have to store them in variables etc, so I’ll just settle for resetting them to colour + brightness + off
Thanks in advance