Looking for help on the POPP 4001 smoke alarm.
I have 7 og these, on battery and mains power.
Today one went off (for some unknown reason. There’s no fire/smoke. It might have been a battery alert).
After I had stopped the noise by turning the it’s switch off, the binary_sensor still is ON, and the smoke sensor value is 2.
One of the other sensors has a smoke sensor value of 254.
How can I reset them to off and 0? I can’t find anything in the (poor) documentation.
Does better documentation exist anywhere?
did you find a solution ?
No, not yet
i have a solution, I’m on a train so I’ll send more later
basically my binary sensor listens to mqtt, i set the off state to listen to a made up payload such as 43ea7off.
i then have a switch that has no on action but the off action posts mqtt of 43ea7off which resets the binary sensor
let me know if you need examples
Yes, please! The Popps are quite confusing and poorly documented, so some clarifying help is most welcome.
Not to create a new topic, I think I might have a similar issue. My RF433 smoke sensors do not automatically reset to off/0 after detection or test. I can however do this manually with the use of the ‘states’ development tools, by looking up the entity and set the state to ‘off’:
However, I wanted to do this as an action in an automation. Can someone tell me what service I need to call for the action to do the same als the development tool ‘states’ does?
Does nobody have a clue which action service/statement is used here?