Resol vBus

Hi all
I’ve got a Resol BS Plus and a Resol Lan Adapter.
I’ve got those working onto the network. Can access setting web page and can access Resol solar data via Resol ServiceCentre on Win10.

Has anyone managed to integrate this into HA yet?
I tried the danielwippermann, but couldn’t seem to get it to work.
Note: I’m quite new to HA and not a coding geek yet, so ‘dumbed down’ responses would be appreciated.

Did you manage to integrate the resol Vbus/Lan in the home assistant?

I got that up and running using a Rasperry Pi 3 and the json-live-data-server of Daniel Wippermann.
The trick is to skip that vBus stuff at all and plug your PI directly to Tx/Rx of the Resol board.
Once you open your device you will see a seperate shild. This seems to be a UART → vBus converter.
So just remove this shield and connect your Pi (Rx Tx GND) instead. On my board the plug looks like this
VBus+ VBus- NC NC 16+
Rx Tx NC 3.3+ GND
But of course you have to verify this by your self.
Please let me know if you need some more information.

1 Like

Thanks for the info!

Do you have any pictures etc?? Or some guide?

Unfortunately there is no guide. I can tell you what I did.
Basically you have to do these steps:

  • Connect your PI to your Resol device.
  • Setup your PI to serve the json-live-data-server.
  • Modify your configuration.yaml in home-assistant.

However, this comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It’s your own risk to do this.

Connect your PI to your Resol device

My Resol device. I opend it and removed …

… this shield. If your device has the same shield you can …

… connect these pins of your resol device …

… with these pins of your PI. I used a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2.

Setup your PI to serve the json-live-data-server

 1  cat /proc/cpuinfo
 2  wget
 3  tar xvfJ node-v16.13.2-linux-armv7l.tar.xz
 4  sudo cp -R node-v16.13.2-linux-armv7l/* /usr/local
 5  sudo reboot now
 6  node -v && npm -v
 8  sudo npm i -g npm@latest
 9  sudo npm install -g [email protected]
10  sudo npm audit
11  sudo npm install --save resol-vbus
12  ls -l
13  cd node_modules/resol-vbus/
14  ls -l
15  cd ~
16  sudo apt install git
17  git clone
20  cd resol-vbus/examples/json-live-data-server
21  sudo npm install
22  cp config.js.example config.js
23  nano config.js
(Change to SerialConnection and  
 add " path: '/dev/serial0' " to  connectionOptions) 
24  sudo raspi-config
( Interface Options ->  Serial Port: 
  login shell: no
 serial port hardware: yes
 reboot: yes
25  ls -l /dev/serial0
(this should show somethimng like this:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Feb  8 14:17 /dev/serial0 -> ttyS0
26  sudo node /home/pi/resol-vbus/examples/json-live-data-server/index.js
27  curl -s 'http://localhost:3333/api/v1/live-data
( this should show your json data)
28  sudo nano /etc/rc.local
(in case of autostart, add this line at the end of the file 
node /home/pi/resol-vbus/examples/json-live-data-server/index.js &
29  sudo reboot now
30  curl -s 'http://localhost:3333/api/v1/live-data
(final check)

Modify your configuration.yaml in home-assistant

Add this to your configuration.yaml in home-assistant.
You may have to fit it to your json data and of course change the ip address.

  - resource:
    scan_interval: 10
      - name: "Warmwasser"
        value_template: '{{value_json[0].rawValue}}'
        unit_of_measurement: '°C' 
        json_attributes_path: "$[0]"
          - "name"
          - "rawValue"
      - name: "Kaltwasser"
        value_template: '{{value_json[1].rawValue}}'
        unit_of_measurement: '°C' 
        json_attributes_path: "$[1]"
          - "name"
          - "rawValue"
      - name: "Puffer"
        value_template: '{{value_json[2].rawValue}}'
        unit_of_measurement: '°C' 
        json_attributes_path: "$[2]"
          - "name"
          - "rawValue"
      - name: "Zirkulation"
        value_template: '{{value_json[14].rawValue}}'
        json_attributes_path: "$[14]"
          - "name"
          - "rawValue"

Have a lot fun :wink:


WOW!! what a great guide! Thanks!

if it supplies 3.3v does this mean you can replace it with a nodemcu and just run esphome or tasmota?

No, I’m afraid not. These modules don’t know how to talk to your resol device by default.
It would require you to implement the entire data communication from scratch.
A portion of work which has already been done by Daniel Wippermann in his great GitHub project: GitHub - danielwippermann/resol-vbus: A JavaScript library for processing RESOL VBus data
However, if you get this Node.js stuff up and running (in real time!) on a NodeMCU there might be a chance.

After an afternoon it works like a charm :slight_smile:
Had some problems but I sorted it out.
Thanks for your guide and code to get it work!

Need some sun now :sun_with_face:

Congratulation, that’s pretty much faster than I did :wink:

However, during the while I changed my data transfer.
Rather than getting all data every ten seconds I’d liked to post changed values only.
This leads in less data traffic and less data transfer delay.
So I use a script to post my data to homeassistant, now.
This requires to enable homeassistants RESTful API by adding “api:” to your configuration.yaml.


# Add units for values to transmit. Use space if there is no unit!
declare -A UnitMap
UnitMap[00_0010_4241_10_0100_013_1_32]=" "
UnitMap[00_0010_4241_10_0100_013_1_64]=" "
UnitMap[00_0010_4241_10_0100_014_1_1]=" "
UnitMap[00_0010_4241_10_0100_014_1_2]=" "

# url to homeassistant RESTful api

# token generated with homeassistant

# json format required by homeassistant
  "state": "p1",
  "attributes": {
    "entity_id": "p2",
    "unit_of_measurement": "p3",
    "friendly_name": "p4"

# Get new data from resol device
read_reglo() {
    local -n ValueMap=$1
    while IFS=$'\t' read -r id name rawValue; do

        if [ "${UnitMap[$id]}" != "" ]
            if [ "${ValueMap[$id]}" != "$rawValue" ]
                # replace placeholder  p1 to p4 with real data

                # pipe json message to curl and add with parameter @- to data
                echo $json_msg |                           \
                  curl -X POST "$cRestApi.$id"             \
                       -H "Authorization: Bearer $cBearer" \
                       -H "Accept: application/json"       \
                       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
                       --data @-

                # store value for next iteration
    done < <(jq -r '.[]|[.id, .name, .rawValue] | @tsv' < <(curl -s http://localhost:3333/api/v1/live-data))

# Loop for ever to permanently check and transmit values
declare -A LastValueMap
while true; do
    read_reglo LastValueMap

It was because of you. Just followed your road :slight_smile:
Cant you just extend the polling time in daniel’s code?

This could possibly be a solution for you too.

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Hi Jim, just wondered if you knew anyone that might have one of these boards. I’m hoping to link up with a Raspberry Pi.

Hi Justin, just wondered if you had any of these boards left. I’m hoping to link up with a Raspberry Pi.

I have a few spare blank boards (that convert to RS-485)… You’ll need to source the components and solder them on. Mine has been happily working for years. It does look easier to just use the direct 3.3V solution above though, rather than covert to RS-485 signally and back again - depends how isolated you want to be and how far your wires need to go. I also wrote my own protocol decoder in python that pushes the data into MQTT. Yell if you want a few blanks.

I take it you’ve see the recent integration for RESOL. I have a DL/2 and have set this up. It works very well indeed.

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@G8YTZ That looks good - from where did you integrate?
RESOL doesn’t appear under integrations when I search


It’s on the Home Assistant Community Store!

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These are the panels I posted in the above picture for my DL/2 with BS/4 pump controller

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.hot_water
  - entity: sensor.temperature_sensor_3
    name: Cylinder Upper
  - entity: sensor.temperature_sensor_2
    name: Cylinder Lower
  - entity: sensor.temperature_sensor_1
    name: Solar Collector
    icon: mdi:solar-power-variant
  - entity: sensor.temperature_sensor_4
    name: Solar Return
    icon: mdi:solar-power-variant
  - entity: sensor.ecodan_flow
  - entity: sensor.pump_speed_relay_1
    name: Pump Speed
    icon: mdi:pump
  - entity: sensor.operating_hours_relay_1
    name: Pump Hours
    icon: mdi:clock-check-outline
  - entity: sensor.heat_quantity
    name: Heat Quantity
    icon: mdi:weather-sunny
title: Solar Hot Water

square: true
type: grid
  - show_name: true
    show_icon: true
    type: button
      action: toggle
    entity: switch.hot_water
    icon: mdi:light-switch
    name: Hot Water
    show_state: true
      action: toggle
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.hot_water
    needle: true
      green: 10
      yellow: 40
      red: 60
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.ecodan_flow
    needle: true
      green: 10
      yellow: 35
      red: 55
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.pump_speed_relay_1
    needle: true
      green: 0
      yellow: 50
      red: 90
    name: Solar Pump Speed
columns: 2

square: true
type: grid
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.hot_water_upper
    needle: true
      green: 10
      yellow: 50
      red: 90
    name: Hot Water Upper
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.pump_speed_relay_1
    needle: true
      green: 0
      yellow: 50
      red: 90
    name: Pump Speed
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.hot_water_middle
    needle: true
      green: 10
      yellow: 50
      red: 90
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.temperature_sensor_1
    name: Solar Collector
    needle: true
      green: 10
      yellow: 50
      red: 70
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.hot_water_lower
    needle: true
      green: 10
      yellow: 50
      red: 90
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.temperature_sensor_4
    needle: true
      green: 10
      yellow: 50
      red: 80
    name: Solar Return
columns: 2

Do you have any of these boards left? I would like to Buy one please.