I am debugging an app now, but in the very beginning I don’t want AD launch it automatically. This is to avoid unnecessary error logs or controlling any real device in the field.
Is there a way to do this? My AD is integrated in HASS not docker.
AppDaemon will check by default all changes from your apps.yaml and your Apps. However, you can supress this behaviours by placing production_mode: true in your appdaemon.yaml inside the appdaemon: key. You can read about that option here.
In addition, you can coment out the app configuration in apps.yaml, so it will not initialize. If you are using AppDaemon 4.0.6 or higher (which you might since you are using the addon), you can place a dot (.) in the app name and AppDaemon will not load it. For example:
Thanks, Xavi. I just checked the production_mode option. I think this is the best solution for me that I can edit my code any time and simply restart the AD to lanuch my app(now I just have one).
Thanks for your support.