RESOLVED: Support HomeKit icon customization for fans

Edit Feb 2024: not sure when, but this was fixed

Native HomeKit fan accessories allow for the icon to be customized as a floor/desk/ceiling fan. However when using Home Assistant to expose a fan to HomeKit it creates a fan accessory that cannot be customized. To my knowledge, this is the only accessory type with this issue - switches and contact sensors can be customized in the Apple Home app as expected.

HASS Bond integration in HomeKit (note the lack of the frame around the fan icon that indicates customizability):

The same fan via the Homebridge Bond plugin:

Looked for exactly this and found it haha. Not a HUGE deal, but kinda annoying. Would love if this was fixed and seems like something that would be pretty trivial

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It’s a shame this is overlooked

Any chance to get this ?

Same issue, would be nice if this was fixed. Would be even better if we could set the icon we want from the full list but I’m guessing homekit stops that.

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Same here!! Would love this to be fixed. It’s going to be weird looking at my Home app now

I also just realized I can’t group my fan and light anymore…

I was just wondering if this was still an issue… How frustrating

Having the same issue. How has no one figured out a fix for this yet? Clearly it’s possible as my Homebridge setup did this perfectly.

I’m just using the HomeBridge plugin for now, as I run it alongside HASS for other stuff

Did a little more digging. Weird that this issue was opened then closed more than once:

Yep. This nonsense about fanv2 not allowing for icon changes is simply untrue

Updating to say this has been fixed.