ReSpeaker-Lite Conversation Response timeout waiting for Piper

I’m not entirely sure where I need to post this. But what I have is a ReSpeaker-Lite setup with @formatBCE configuration (thanks for all your work on this). I have an automation that is triggered with a sentence, that sends some information off to a LLM via a Conversation Process. I am then using the Conversation Response action in the automation to play back what was returned from the LLM.

My TTS is running Piper on a server with a bit more beef to it than my Home Assistant server.

This all works fine when the response is short. However, if the response from the LLM is a bit longer, this in turn causes Piper to have to work a little harder and longer. The ReSpeaker seems to timeout waiting for the response and therefore nothing is played through the speaker.

Do we know if there is a specific timeout that can be added to the ReSpeaker configuration to let it wait a little longer. Or if there is a better way to do this in Home Assistant? Right now it seems that if Piper takes longer than 3 seconds Respeaker times out. I don’t know if this is a ReSpeaker configuration issue or an automation design issue on my part.

I tried adjusting the stop_word delay from 2s to 15s but that didn’t seem to make a difference.

**edit: I’ve also tried using the TTS action to play the response to the ReSpeaker media player however, what I found with that was because the ReSpeaker was already in use with the automation nothing will get played. This is true for short and long messages.

Appreciate any advice or insight here.

Huh, interesting. I have new setup that goes to LLM if I tent not matched on Assist. Sometimes it takes 15 seconds to form response. And I don’t experience timeout…

In any case - as far as I understand it’s HA server-side setting. Satellite just gets desired pipeline states and acts accordingly. But I have no idea where to set it or why it’s like this for you :frowning:

I’d suggest asking on HA Discord in voice_assistants topic. There’s a lot of smart people. :slight_smile:

Thanks @formatBCE for the response. I’ll jump over to the Discord server and see what I can uncover. It’s good to know that it should work, I just need to flip or turn whatever switch or dial to make that happen for me.

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