
I am trying to use a response_variable in an automation but I do not seem able to make it work. Automation Code:

  - action: script.ground_temperature_ok_2
    metadata: {}
      home_presence: "{{ home_presence }}"
      manual_control: "{{ manual_temperature_control }}"
      manual_temperature: "{{ manual_temperature }}"
      comfort_target: 17
      eco_target: 15
      climate_mode: "{{ climate_mode }}"
      current_temperature: "{{ climate_measurement }}"
      climate_entity: "{{ climate_entity }}"
    response_variable: result
  - choose:
    - conditions:
      - condition: state
        entity_id: !input climate_mode
        state: 'Off'
      - condition: template
        value_template: |
          {{ states(climate_entity) != 'off' or not is_state_attr(climate_entity, 'fan_mode', states(fan_mode)) or not is_state_attr(climate_entity, 'swing_mode', states(vertical_swing_mode)) }}
        - action: script.ground_hvac_heat
          metadata: {}
            fan_mode: "{{ fan_mode }}"
            vertical_swing_mode: "{{ vertical_swing_mode }}"
            horizontal_swing_mode: "{{ horizontal_swing_mode }}"
        - action: script.ground_hvac_off
          metadata: {}
          data: {}
    - conditions:
      - condition: state
        entity_id: !input manual_temperature_control
        state: 'on'
        - choose:
            - conditions:
              - condition: state
                entity_id: !input climate_mode
                state: "Heating"
                - choose:
                    - conditions:
                        - condition: template
                          value_template: result.hvac_needed
                        - condition: not
                            - condition: state
                              entity_id: !input climate_entity
                              state: "heat"
                        - action: script.ground_hvac_heat
                          metadata: {}
                            fan_mode: "{{ fan_mode }}"
                            vertical_swing_mode: "{{ vertical_swing_mode }}"
                            horizontal_swing_mode: "{{ horizontal_swing_mode }}"
                    - conditions:
                        - condition: not
                            - condition: template
                              value_template: result.hvac_needed
                            - condition: state
                              entity_id: !input climate_entity
                              state: "off"
                        - action: script.ground_hvac_off
                          metadata: {}
                          data: {}

and the called script

alias: Ground Temperature OK
  result: >
    {% set target = comfort_target | float %} 

    {% if not states(home_presence) == 'on' %}
      {% set target = eco_target | float %} 
    {% endif %}

    {% if states(manual_control) == 'on' %}
      {% set target = states(manual_temperature) | float %}
    {% endif %}

    {% set air_conditioning_needed = false %} {% set hvac_mode =
    states(climate_mode) %}

    {% if hvac_mode == 'Heating' %}
      {% if states(current_temperature) | float < (target - 0.5) or states(climate_entity) == 'heat' %}
        {% set air_conditioning_needed = true %}
      {% endif %}
      {% if states(current_temperature) | float > target %}
        {% set air_conditioning_needed = false %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if hvac_mode == 'Cooling' %}
      {% if states(current_temperature) | float > (target + 0.5) or states(climate_entity) == 'cool' %}
        {% set air_conditioning_needed = true %}
      {% endif %}
      {% if states(current_temperature) | float < target %}
        {% set air_conditioning_needed = false %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    {{ {'hvac_needed': air_conditioning_needed} }}
  - stop: All Done
    response_variable: result
mode: single

I do not seem to be able to read the boolean answer in result.hvac_needed ion the automation.

Please post the entire automation. There are some uses of !input that look odd, but it is impossible to tell seeing only the actions block.

This is definitely incorrect:

It needs to be surrounded in quotes (or preceded by a block scalar identifier) as well as the appropriate Jinja delimiters:

 - condition: template
   value_template: "{{ result.hvac_needed }}"

I am having no issues with the !input, they all work as expected.

I have change the condition to:

                            - condition: template
                              value_template: >
                                {{ result.hvac_needed }}

which appears to be working for me at the moment.

Thanks for your reply