Hi folks,
I currently writing a plugin to connect QSC Q-SYS and HA.
I came to a weird issue.
When I post to : https://IP:8123/api/states/entity_id
I see in the front end the light turn on, but the light doesnt actualy turn on… and when HA refresh the state of this light, it goes back off ?
I have a good ack from HA with all the attributes i’ve Post…
How can I resolve this ?
Thank you.
The API you’re using is only making a change in the state machine. You’re not actually changing the device itself. You need to use the light (or switch, depending on the actual type of the entity) turn_on service via this API:
Call a service via HA REST API
And how can I change the brightness of this light ?
(aka DubhAd on GitHub)
July 15, 2018, 7:33pm
Same was as was being discussed in the Discord channel
See the light docs for all the options. The payload would still be:
{"entity_id": "light.something", "brightness_pct": 100 }```
Thanks again Tinkerer and Pnbruckner.
It’s not fast enough… something i reveice nill ack from HA and doesnt do the action… its seems very random.