Use a rest notify component instead of the rest_command component:
I use the rest notify component for sending notifications to a googletv device, it took me a little while to work out how to add parameters. In my case, it’s a POST with JSON data, not a GET, but I think this should work for your needs:
Then call it from an automation with an action like so:
- service: notify.sendsms_jpi
message: "Whatever text you want to send"
"numtel": "212-555-2368"
The only ‘clever’ thing I’ve done here is to set a default number in the component, so that the inner data section(beneath the message in my example) of the automation action could be omitted if you mainly only ever send to one number (but want to retain the ability to send to arbitrary numbers). Both message and numtel in the action could also be templates rather than just plain strings.