Rest command error

Hello all :grinning:

Along three days I have had a problem with my Old Radio switch, I have been trying in vain to understand the error because everything was working fine before and I have changed absolutely nothing apart from updating HA to core 2024.3.0
Voici l’erreur

for the switch.yaml and rest_command.yaml I’m sure it’s ok it worked :grinning:

I tested the command. : in a browser and it works
I also tested the GAME-TOWER switch which also includes a rest_command and it works

I tried the Developer Tools and it turns out that the rest_command is the fault.
But what’s really weird is that the command goes through since my raspberry pi turns off. (in any case the Max2Play system receives the command to turn off).

I did a test for the switch also no error message but it does not turn off

I’m totally lost and I have no idea how to solve the problem :zipper_mouth_face:

Thank you in advance for your answers

PS : sorry for my English