Rest platform question

I am using a Node Red Alexa node that asks for me to renew my token from time to time by simply login in to (my Home Assistant IP).

Could I do this with a restful sensor?

You should be able to do it with one of the http or TCP nodes in Node Red.

Thanks, I’ll try that.

I’ve tried them all. Nothing works.

Here’s what I see in Node Red:

open in browser

When I open I am prompted for my Amazon password. After that the response is that the token is renewed and to close the browser.

When I use the put method I get the only readable response, which I don’t grok.


I must be doing something wrong. Any tips would be appreciated.

It can be something like user agent or http header that needs to be configured correctly.
Node Red can most likely do it, but figuring out how is a bit harder. Other solutions will probably require the same info.