I have another beginner question.
From a “Technische Alternative UVR1611 + CMI” heating control I receive the following JSON-data (shown in abbreviated form)
"Status code":0
Now I like to add a sensor via REST-Api, that shows me for instance the value of input number 1 - 40.0.
But when adding a sensor with the configuation
value_template: ‘{{states.sensor.SENSORNAME.Data.Inputs[1].Value[1].Value}}’
it can’t receive any data, although it should be “40.0”?
I’ve tried several different ways to implement value_template, but it won’t work (“Header” and “Status” are no problem to receive).
Can you help me figuring out my mistake?
Kind regards,
Thanks to @koying and @Hellis81 there is the solution:
value_template: '{{ state_attr("sensor.cmi34","Data")["Inputs"][0]["Value"]["Value"] }}'
friendly_name: 'TKollektor'