Rest sensor not loading with fuel data when HA restarts

Hey guys, not sure if this is the right section or not but I’m having some issues and can’t figure out what the logs are trying to tell me about it. I’m still very new to HA so this not working is a little out of my comfort zone.

My country has access to fuel data that I’ve got into HA using rest but for some reason most of the time when restarting HA it fails to load the rest sensor i made

Here’s the error I’m getting: Hastebin

This is in my config.yaml (the rest call needs coords and i found a text file that I’m using to convert suburbs into coords, which is imported as a sensor here): Hastebin

Then I’ve got a rest.yaml, which I’ve included in my config.yaml (using rest: !include rest.yaml): Hastebin

And lastly I have a custom template thingy called suburbCoords.jinja which is what I use to convert a postcode into a coord string to use in the call: Hastebin

Does anyone know what I’ve done wrong and why the error keeps happening? Most of the time that error will show up and nothing I do will get rid of it, and none of my fuel data is loaded, but every now and then (maybe 1 restart in 10), it works perfectly fine and I don’t have any issues, and since I’m quite new to HA I’m not sure how to dig deeper or read the logs more?

If you have any questions or need any more info, let me know

Thanks in advanced