REST sensor not showing up under entities

I am experiencing quite an annoying problem. I am trying to add my first REST sensor, and I simply cannot get it to work. My configuration.yaml file looks like this:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

  base_url: ......
  - platform: rest
    name: Calendar Events

If I try to curl the URL, it works fine. Check configuration: All good. Restarted HA: All good.

If I go to Configuration -> Entities, I cannot find it. I can’t find it under Developer Tools -> States either.

I simply cannot find it anywhere. I don’t have a lot of stuff in my Home Assistant environment, so I would easily be able to spot it under another name, but it’s not there.

What have I done wrong?

Works after setting force_update to true. Shrug. I feel like this should be written on the REST page.

  - platform: rest
    name: Calendar Events
    force_update: true

Okay, nevermind. After restarting Home Assistant, it’s not working again. What the heck.

Invalid state encountered for entity id: sensor.calendar_events. State max length is 255 characters

This is really, really bad design. How am I supposed to show my calendar events then? I get an array back.

    "name": "Birthday",
    "date": "2020-03-27T15:00:00+01:00"

for example. I need to pass that into my custom lovelace card.

Where did you find that error message? I have no logs or ideas on where to find what is going on.

I have a similar problem.
I added to my configuration.yaml :

  - platform: rest
    name: RATP
    force_update: true

Even though I restarted HA, I cannot find the entity on http://homeassistant.local:8123/config/entities
What did I miss ? :thinking:

I’m also trying to get this to work, tried about everything but doesn’t work.
The entities do not show up, also no errors or any logs around them…
Any luck?

Think I just solved my problem…
Seems you should only have 1 “sensor:” element in configuration.yaml.
If you have multiple of these, your sensors will not show up.
Hope this helps.