REST sensor not showing up

Hi, I have configured a REST sensor but it is not showing in the list of entities. I have set it up in sensors.yaml

- platform: rest
  name: FR24 Aircraft
  friendly_name: Dump1090
  force_update: true
  value_template: "{{ value_json.messages }}"
  method: GET
  scan_interval: 15
    - now
    - aircraft

How do I fix this?

Did you restart Home Assistant after creating it?

Yes I did that a bunch of times

Related errors in your logs?

I dont see any errors related to the REST sensor.

Going to Developer Tools → States you do not see an entity called: sensor.fr24_aircraft?

If not, try removing this and restarting:

friendly_name: Dump1090

it is not a valid configuration option listed here:

I tried, but it still isnt showing up. Very strange this

It’s working now. My config file was a mess, it needed some reformatting