I have a problem with Satel alarm system integration. Ever evening I shut down Rapsberry Pi on which I have HA and start it at 7AM. The problem is that Raspberry Pi and my router are started simultaneously (using smart plug) and it takes a few minutes for the router to connect to its mesh master. This breaks Satel integration (some bad timeout?). Even though finally the network communication is up, only HA restart fixes the problem with Satel. As a workaround I wanted to restart HA every day at 7:05 with below simple automation:
alias: Restart_HA
description: ''
- platform: time
at: '07:05:00'
condition: []
- service: homeassistant.restart
mode: single
But it went out that it works only for the current day, meaning if I set this script at 8:00AM to start at 8:05AM, it works for today, but for some strange reason it doesnt start at 8:05AM next days.
Thanks in advance for any advice.