Restart - Unable to connect

I updated the configuration.yaml file with teh example I found in the manual online for the lovelace ui.
So added the line lovelace: mode: yaml and created the exaple file <config>/ui-lovelace.yaml.
I restarted and saw that it only created a new lovelace UI.
Removed the lines in the configuration.yaml and restarted again. Now I get Unable to connect.
I can reach the ssh and see HomeAssistant is active. But that is it.
What did I forget?

Post your configuration.yaml file.
You can also sent it to to make sure you didn’t mess up the indentation or other syntax.

The configuration.yaml is valid! Just to know: In the configuration.yaml are all kinds of passwords. Should I remove those before uploading? I think I know the answer but just to be sure.:grin:

BTW I know there is a secrets.yaml but I am a newby. So not familiar with that.

So, you did run it through yamllint? It only tells you if the syntax and indentation are OK.
Secrets include file is pretty easy to use, so when you get HA back online, I would recommend using it.
In general it’s a good idea to edit a copy of the config file to obfuscate the passwords. Just change a few characters to XXX

Thank you Stevemann. I keep searching what went wrong. I can rename a back-up from a few days ago. Have to add a lot of things again but tif that is what it takes it has to be. :wink::wink:

It’s likely your current configuration.yaml file that’s stopping you, so a days-old backup won’t help.
If you can get in with SSH, then you should be able to get the yaml file using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol).

Filezilla is a very commonly used FTP client program for the PC.

Thanks I got the file and was able to remove the frontend: line.
It is working again. Never thought about filezilla. Took some trial and error but it worked.

The thing I find incredible is that Filezilla is free. Save your credentials in the Site Manager and you’ll be in with a couple of clicks next time.

Stevemann, can I ask you another question? In the ha:8123/states I see these small camera views.
Is it possible to get these in the standard ha:8123/lovelace/default_view view? I have tried all the standard cards but none is working.
Maybe you know. Thanks to help me out on the previous one. It saved me a complete reinstall.

Sorry, but I don’t use Lovelace. I am still waiting for a “Lovelace for Dummies” tutorial.

Thank you so much. I tried this before but it did not do the trick. I think I entered the wrong format as an entity.