Restarting HA one device has _2 in id

Stumped. I restart HA amd one device is light.livingroom_level_2, then after a while, it changes to light.livingroom_level (which is what I want it to be).

Previously I had an issue with this device being named zwave._ and light._, so I manually updated both to .livingroom_level. This fixed two issues I had.

Why does it add the _2 on restart? Anyway I can stop this?

are you using the entity registry after naming the node?

I had that happen when I upgraded to 0.70.0, on a switch. When I turned the switch on, it suddenly changed entity ID to the correct one.

Thats what I’m seeing. The bigger issue is that it doesn’t show in my groups and automation don’t work until it changes.

I’m not sure I understand the question. I edited it manually in entity-registry.yaml and restarted HA service. I did that becauae its name in the file was just an _ .

Now after every reboot it adds the _2 to,the end until I tell it to turn on, then it removes the _2.

It looks like we’ve found a bug. I’ve raised an issue about it - if you can add details then I’m sure it’ll help the devs track down the problem.

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