Restful API working with GET but not Post - SOLVED

I’ve been trying to set up IFTTT to trigger scenes but ran into a stumbling block. Whenever I use the POST api methods I get a 404

I’ve been testing with curl and with with postman

urlremoved:8123/api/services/light/turn_on/?api_password= with payload {“entity_id”: “light.spare_room_”} or
urlremoved:8123/api/services/scene/turn_on/?api_password= with payload {“entity_id”:“scene.Bedtime”}

But if I try the GET methods listed at
eg urlremoved:8123/api/services?api_password=

It returns me a long list of my services which is correct.

Any idea why I’m getting a 404 with the POST methods but not with the GET ones?

I found it, It was the rogue slash before the question mark I had in my URL, removing that fixes everything. I’ve now got my Google Home triggering my HA scenes via IFTTT. Yay!