Restful json_attributes help

Hiya - I’m looking for a bit of help with a rest sensor. I’ve configured it like this:

      - name: "REST Tv Input Source"
        json_attributes_path: "$.components.main['samsungvd.mediaInputSource'].inputSource"
        value_template: "{{value_json.components.main['samsungvd.mediaInputSource'].inputSource.value}}"
          - "timestamp"

The value pulls out correctly but the timestamp does not get put into an attribute. The log error I get is that JSON result was not a dictionary or list with 0th element a dictionary - but I can see that’s not the case when using jsonpath. The problem seems to be that the dictionary key has a . (period) in it, and this is breaking something on the json attributes path.

Another sensor against the same API, that works almost the same way, but just doesn’t have a dictionary key with a . works exactly as expected:

      - name: "REST Tv Channel Name"
        json_attributes_path: "$.components.main.tvChannel.tvChannelName"
        value_template: "{{value_json.components.main.tvChannel.tvChannelName.value}}"
          - "timestamp"

Am I missing something on how this should be written? Grateful of any help or guidance!

Show us the JSON.

Yep, sure:

                     "name":"PlayStation 5"

It’s a bit of a bodge workaround, but:

json_attributes_path: "$.components.main.*.inputSource"

Thanks! That does work - but annoyingly, there may well be another inputSource present under a different key under main - It’s just not in the sample one I provided.

Am I looking at a bit of a bug in how this works then?

OK, try this:

json_attributes_path: "$.components.main[?('samsungvd.mediaInputSource')].inputSource"

That works perfectly - thank you very much!

Just out of curiosity, any idea why my original didn’t work?

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No, it’ll be to do with the HA implementation of JSONPath. Your original works fine in the online tester.

Feel free to submit an issue on Github, or better still, fix it and submit a PR :slight_smile: .