I added a new rest sensor. The configuration is:
sensor: !include_dir_merge_list sensor/
customize: !include customize.yaml
- platform: rest
resource: https://api.waqi.info/feed/A94354/?token=<myapikey>
method: GET
name: "PM25"
scan_interval: 300
value_template: "{{ value_json.data.iaqi.pm25.v | int}}"
unique_id: externalSensorPM25
state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: "µg/m³"
device_class: pm25
The configuration seems to work since I am able to show the current value in the entities
card in the UI. Clicking in the entity card I can also see the historical values.
I also tried to add a statistic graph
card. I can select the sensor, but the chart always says Loading statistics...
. I have more than 1 day of data at this point, so not sure what is the problem.
Can someone help?