RESTful Sensor scan_interval delay?

I am making rest calls to eight endpoints on a small (as in resources) IoT device. When HA kicks off the rest call, it seems they are sent at the same time causing it to become unresponsive for a while. Is there an option to add a delay? Maybe something like using cron? I understand I can increment the scan_interval by a few seconds. As I add more endpoints, the incrementing may take me over the refresh period, missing those values during the window.

  - resource:
    scan_interval: 120
    <other stuff for sensors>
>> wait for this rest call to complete, then go<<
  - resource:
    scan_interval: 120
    <other stuff for sensors>
>> wait for this rest call to complete, then go<< etc, etc...

One way is to add a very long scan interval (years) and use an automation to update the sensors using a time pattern trigger and the homeassistant.update_entity service between delays.

Unfortunately you can only disable polling completely for UI based integrations (under system options for the integration).

Another way is to use prime number scan intervals (e.g. 101 sec and 127 sec) to minimise collisions.

Both methods may have issues with collisions immediately after a restart.