RESTful Sensor - Support template in resource

You should be able to use templates in the resource field, for resources where the URL changes for example according to time of day, etc.

My own use-case is that I’m trying to fetch my commute time from citymapper’s, at next-coming 9am.
I’ve tried to do this with the command line sensor and curl, but there seems to be a bug, where it doesn’t accept the ampersand in the URL.

Commenting to second this and hopefully get it looked at. Would enable much more flexible interactions with API’s that aren’t directly integrated.

My use case is an API that uses URLs with passed parameters, that I can only construct using other parts of other sensors.

Hi, has anyone found a solution?

As I understand it, the consensus is that you should make a custom component, if the endpoint you’re trying to use needs this level of complexity. ¯_(ツ)_/¯