RESTful Sensor vs RESTful Command vs Command Line

I would like to gather data from an API that returns JSON data using the most efficient means. Currently I am using several RESTful Sensors. It is a small IoT device which cannot handle a lot of load so many simultaneous calls will cause requests to timeout. I would like to figure out how to stagger the time requests are made to not overwhelm the device (other than incrementing the scan_interval).

There are multiple endpoints, about a dozen or so. Some update every minute, some every 5 minutes and others once a day. Here is an example of how I am pulling some data. Overall I have created separate yaml files to organize by the url path.

Would a RESTful Command be a better option? what I do not see is something similar to scan_interval in the documentation.

Command Line seems to support scan_interval but I do not see a way to ensure multiple calls are not made simultaneously.

I have no intention of sending POST calls to endpoints so maybe it is pointless to consider RESTful Command or Command Line?

Here is an example of one yaml file

  - resource:
    verify_ssl: false
      Authorization: !secret secret_api
      Content-Type: application/json
    scan_interval: 300
    timeout: 15
      - name: "foo_sensor1"
        unique_id: myuniqueid
        json_attributes_path: "$.[0]"
          - 1
          - 2
          - 3
          - 4
        value_template: "{{ value_json[0]['timestamp'] | timestamp_local }}"
        device_class: timestamp

      - name: "foo_sensor2"
        unique_id: myuniqueid
        json_attributes_path: "$.[1]"
          - 5
          - 6
          - 7
          - 8
        value_template: "{{ value_json[0]['timestamp'] | timestamp_local }}"
        device_class: timestamp
# Breaking out json attributes in another yaml file. sensor template {{ state_attr('sensor.foo_sensor2', 'communicating') }}

  - resource:
    verify_ssl: false
      Authorization: !secret secret_api
      Content-Type: application/json
    scan_interval: 60
    timeout: 15
      - name: "foo2_sensor1"
        unique_id: myuniqueid
        json_attributes_path: "$.[1][0]"
          - A
          - B
          - C
          - D
        value_template: "{{ value_json[1][0]['timestamp'] | timestamp_local }}"
        device_class: timestamp

      - name: "Awesome Foo 1 A"
        unique_id: myuniqueid
        value_template: "{{ (value_json[1][0][A'][value_x'] | float / 1000) | round(2) }}"