I have two HA locations, one local and the other over VPN. I would like to control and monitor all the entities from one instance of HA. It seems like to Master-Slave connection is not working or there is not a decent enough tutorial for me to make it run properly. I would like to use REST to control the entities in the remote instance and get their state.
Can someone help me get this working and reporting correctly?
For example I am trying to control a light so I imagine that I will need this…
The bulb is on a remote instance of HA. It is connected through VPN. I would like to add a component to the local instance of HA that controls and gets the state of the bulb connected to the remote instance.
I got it working using the command line switch now I am working on getting the state from the bulb on the remote instance of HA. The state command below returns all attributes including the state. Is there a way to just get the state or extract the state using a value template?
command_on: /usr/bin/curl -X POST{"entity_id":"light.linear_lb60z1_dimmable_led_light_bulb_level_3_0"}
command_off: /usr/bin/curl -X POST{"entity_id":"light.linear_lb60z1_dimmable_led_light_bulb_level_3_0"}
command_state: /usr/bin/curl -X GET