Restore custom device trackers after restart

I have two devices which I track the location of within HA using device_tracker.see, my car and my bluetooth headset. Basically every time my phone disconnects from bluetooth with one of them I have tasker make a device_tracker.see call to stash their location in HA in case I forget where I left it. There’s no real way to do this natively with HA since neither of these report their location to a service I could integrate with by default and I don’t care to track them at home when I’m physically close to the HA device, its really when I’m out that I want their location recorded.

This works fine until HA is restarted. HA does not seem to restore device tracker entities which are set via device_tracker.see. It restores the ones created by integrations (like from the companion apps) but not custom ones like this. And since the device itself is not the one reporting its location state I have no way to reconstitute that data after restart on my own, my phone is now somewhere else.

Would like to see device trackers tracked this way get native restore capability.