I backuped my HA instance that was running on a virtualbox with the plan to restore it in a containerized HA instance.
I understand that for containerized HA setup you can’t restore backups as straight forward as you do that with a non-core installation. So I most likely need to copy files (?) directories (?) backups (?) here and there. - I don’t know acutally.
then (on my windows machine) extracted everything in the tar and moved it over via winscp to the directory: /var/lib/docker/volumes/homeassistant_data/_data
restarted the container and then logged on.
I would expect, that I do not even have to run through the initial onboarding wizard fireing up HA, however I did that. and I looked at a plain installation apart from the automations, which I could see have somehow been restored
To be honest I dont know what needs to be done to prevent initital onboarding but I think the database had to be migrated too, since everything else is in the DB stored (assumption - correct me when im wrong).
So if you use the default (sqlite?) database it could have been copied 1:1 (overwritten) when the version is identical. But im very cautious about database migrations to be honest.
Using MariaDB might be a lil bit more complicated and I have no idea what needs to be done in that case though.
ok, to summarize the steps I did are “in theory” ok. but somehow the restore by copying over the files does not work. I wonder if there is anyone who was able to do it.