Restore not working


I am on latest everything of Home assistant using VirtualBox 7.xx on x64 Win 11 system. I tried restoring to a backup from this morning 2am. It confirms I want to restore then all I see for a while is this…

How long is a while? Restores takes time.

I actioned it again when I posted this issue. Its still going. Been an hour now. How long is it meant to go for?

It depends. How long should a restore from backup take?

Interesting. I have restored before(2 days ago) which has taken less than 10 minutes and therefore now confused. My backup file is less than 400mb.

I just had a quick view of the thread you linked and it seems I can do this manually. What is the actual process?

I have always wondered if the virtualBox files are needed

I can see the config files and backups as well thanks to samba share addon

So just in case the restore fails. What do I need to do to restore manually?


The process would be copying the files manually, not sure how good it works with addons but at least the contents of config is needed. Since you run it virtual one option in the future would be to copy all the files in \Virtual machines\Home Assistant to another location as a backup. Still some data to move but probably won’t take hour(s). The vm would probably need to be shut down. Not sure if there’s any backup software that supports Virtualbox, but for other hypervisors there are some alternatives.

Snapshots are good to use to have a point-in-time to rollback to, but don’t treat snapshots as backups, they are not suited to be stored more than a few days. They are great to use when you for example are upgrading to a major version and want a quick way to roll back.

Thanks for helping me. I tried this and lo behold the dash has come up. Still loading but I am exited as I type this

Since the \ was visible due to the samba share I unzipped the homeassistant.tar.gz to the config folder and virtualbox window rebooted on its own. Waited for it to load and Viola! browser refresh show life.

Ok I just opened the latest backup I was trying to restore to when it all went sideways. Looks like the backups are corrupt. So home assistant backups cant be trusted!!!

Ok so have issues with Sky connect and Zigbee2MQTT. Both addons load fine but basically not doing anything. I uninstalled and reinstalled both addons.

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Ok seems to be working but reboots every now and then and not very stable.

Observations and lessons learnt.

  • Dont trust Home assistant backups.
  • Previous restores took 10 minutes so if restore does not work the backup is corrupt.
  • Performing the backup right after VM restart does create a usable backup but its a risky bet.

So check that the backup > “homeassistant.tar.gz” can be unzipped without error before you attempt restore.
Even if you have setup auto backups, make manual backups and check they are not corrupt manually.

Hope this helps

If you have an unstable system I do not think it is related to backups. Try creating a new topic with relevant info, logs from when the system is unstable / reboots (not after) and people will help you find the error.