Restore only portions from a snapshot?

If you keep your version the same, is it possible to restore different sections or parts from different snapshots to the same HA instance?

I created a fully functional Z-Wave environment on a test HA raspberry pi. Can I go to a different HA raspberry pi and just restore the Z-wave portion, keeping the rest in place? Assuming the versions are the same on both.

Does this work? Has anyone tried it?

If it’s an addon: yes. Just restore the addon (you get to select what to restore).

If it’s just files in your config folder: yes. Extract the files from the snapshot and paste them to the new /config folder.

If it uses the .storage folder: maybe. It gets complicated.

Thanks… that was what I was looking for. This should make things much easier to move something from a test environment to a real one. In this case Z-wave