Restoring Deleted Dashboard

I recently deleted one of my dashboards by accident and managed to recover it, but realised that there wasn’t much information on how to do it online, so I thought I would share my method.

  1. Download the latest backup you have (core_yyyy.n.n).
  2. Open and expand the tar.gz that will be downloaded.
  3. Locate the following file: .storage/lovelace.lovelace_home - (The .storage folder is hidden so you will need to make sure you set your explorer/finder to show hidden files)
  4. Open the aforementioned file in Notepad (or equivalent app) on your device.

On your home assistant:

Navigate to /config/.storage (I used the terminal/ssh add on to do this)
Open the lovelace.lovelave_home file in your editor of choice (I used vim).

Extract the section of the lovelace.lovelace_home that is missing and insert it into the correct part of the file.

This will be under the data, config, views section (in the below - it would be a view called “House”) 0 this is just the heading part and not the full config for the view).

  "data": {
    "config": {
      "views": [
          "theme": "ios-dark-mode-blue-red",
          "title": "House",
          "path": "house",

I found that if I recreated the dashboard initially (with no cards inside) it helped position in the file.

Then restart.

Note: Be very careful as any errors will prevent all dashboards from showing!


:astonished: :flushed: :sweat: :smiley: nice one!