i am after some help please
I have a pulse counter ( flow meter) sending messages over mqqt to hassio via a esp8266.
Every time the esp8266 is rebooted , the data count resets to 0 on the esp8266 , and sends it over to hassio which also resets to 0
i want the hassio entity that is recieving the data, to keep the total, and not reset , then when the esp8266 comes back up it needs to keep adding its data count to the hassio entity. so i end up with a total amout of litres used
i would also like a way of doing daily totals, weekly , etc
thankyou in advance
not sure why you would need the firmware ?
i just want a way of keeping and adding my data recieved at sensor.water_used
everything is being recieved ok at the hassio interface.
esp82366 does not need to retain its data as long as hassio keeps a running count
Retain retain: true in your yaml. I deleted that post as I believe I may be wrong. If it’s your firmware that’s resetting the figure then this entry in the yaml may not fix it.
Per @Johan_Erasmus post, may need to be done via your firmware.
But you could try,l. If it fixescit then great. If not then you’re no worse off.
i have added it to esp easy , under the advanced tools (there was a tick box mqqt retain topic) ,
although after a reboot counters have reset again, i was thinking there would be a way of just adding the mqqt data to a running total entity in hassio. maybe a new entity is needed with a formulae