Retrieve Broadlink S1C sensor data with RM Plugin

I was trying to get the readings of the Broadlink S1C door and motion sensors, with the MQTT/Python method. Was not really able to figure it out, so I found an alternative way. It works pretty good.


  • Always running Android (in the same LAN)
  • Tasker App
  • RM Plugin App (HTTP Bridge)
  • Joaoapps autotools (JSON reader)
  • Joaoapps join (send tasker task)

The RM Plugin HTTP bridge outputs a Json API at: androidIP/s1_status?deviceMac=S1c:MAC:Address
You can use Tasker to retrieve and split the JSON data, but I use Autotools to make it easier. You could probably do this directly in HASS, but Iā€™m not that skilled yet.

Then you can send a HTTP post directly to HASS and the sensors are available.

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May I ask are you using or alternative way to install HA?
Do you also have rm pro ?