Retrieve new proximity direction of travel icon

Hi All,

I’m not able to retrieve the icon of the new proximity integration for templating purpose.

For example, if i creating an tile card with the direction of travel entity the icon seems fine.


But when I’ll try to retrieve the icon with the developer tools the result is None.

{{ state_attr('sensor.home_niels_direction_of_trave', 'icon') }}

What i’m doing wrong here?

look it up in the developer tools under state

Ah, i see there is no icon attribute there. Interesting that the card has an icon. This works differently then other entities… :thinking:

It looks like a “mdi:map-marker-radius-outline” according to Material Design Icons

It is changing depending on the state.

ohh, not sure how to extract them then, but the other icon seems to be of the “sign-direction” group on the homepage I linked to earlier.

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