Retrieving data from event in trigger


I’m just discovering HA and I’m trying to make an automation that sends a notification to my mobile HA app, when an event occurs:

The event is like this (copied from the site from the integration maker):

I would like to put the plate (e.g. “kbw468a”, from data:plate in the json) into the message of the notify service, but I do not know how to start :pensive:

Can someone please give me a hint :blush:

Thank you.

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I want to do exactly this but didn’t find the link to Automation Trigger Variables helpful. Did you come up with a solution?

ran across this in looking for something else. it’s very old and i hope the op figured it out. but in the interest of helping someone else who runs across this…

{{ }}

if you’re doing this for debugging purposes, i find it useful to do {{ }} and get the whole array.