Retrofitting my curtains?

I have some existing honeycomb/cellular curtains. Here’s a picture of them:

Any ideas for how I could automate them? I couldn’t find a solution yet. Cheap is preferable. Just grab the handle to lower/raise.

It’s easy for a human to “just grab the handle” but not so much for a machine :stuck_out_tongue:

If you are looking to build something, then I would thing a threaded rod with a motor and your controller of choice would be able to relaibly raise and lower the curtain.

It’s what pretty much every single 3D printer uses these days:

Not sure what the cost or impact of having a threaded rod which would the the hight of your window would be.

My other thought is to have a string running up and down on a loop. I can’t imagine those are “heavy”, so a small cheap motor could do that too.

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