Retroflag NESPi 4 Case suitable for Home Assistant?

Hi everyone,
I’m considering buying the Retroflag NESPi 4 Case for my Raspberry Pi. There are two buttons on the case. one button is for safe shutdown and the other is a reset button. In order to use those buttons, you have to install a script, but on the Github page it only gives examples for several OS’s , but Home Assistant isn’t mentioned. Does anyone know if it is suitable for Home Assistant anyways?

Greetings Joël

You can still use the case without those scripts. You just get hard shutdown/reset.

And if you don’t mind a little snipping of plastic and a tight squeeze, a 40x40mm Noctua will fit :wink:

Does anyone know if those scripts are available for HA? My case only flashed the red power button upon boot up but it doesn’t stay on. Additionally can you run the game emulator & HA on the same Pi?