Reverse, invert logic 0 to 1

Hi !
I have snmp sensor, which for some unknown reason shows an inverted state.

- platform: snmp
    name: "LC210 OUT 1"

The sensor returns a value of 0 or 1 ( on or off output relay )

How can I change the value of 1 to 0, and 0 to 1
Or better 1 = OFF, 0 = ON

Thankyou for help !

Template sensor

Can you help? I canā€™t find any similar example with a template sensor.


Try below. You need to correct the entity Iā€™d to match the snmp sensor but I think this is about correct. I changed the link to one that may be more relevant to what you need

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: LC210 Inverted
        entity_id: sensor.lc210_out_1
        value_template: ā€œ{%if states.sensor.lc210_out_1.state == ā€˜1ā€™ %}Off{% elif states.sensor.lc210_out_1.state == ā€˜0ā€™ %}On{% endif %}ā€

The value template I use is different from example at link but this should get you close. I may have better example and will try to post it later

The following Template Binary Sensor converts the SNMP Sensorā€™s numeric value (0/1) to a boolean value (true/false) and then inverts it. Because itā€™s a binary sensor, the resulting inverted boolean value will be reported as on/off.

  - binary_sensor: 
      - name: LC210 Inverted
        state: "{{ not(states('sensor.lc210_out_1') | bool) }}"

The SNMP integration provides a value_template option. If you wish, you can use it to invert the received value directly in the SNMP Sensor, without the need for using a Template Binary Sensor.

  - platform: snmp
    name: "LC210 OUT 1"
    value_template: "{{ iif(value | int(0) == 1, 'off', 'on') }}"
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It works, exactly what I wanted! Many thanks! Also, ON is better than 1 ā€¦ :hugs: :hugs:

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Thankyou !

Youā€™re welcome!

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