Starting with telling that I’m not a technical guy, here is my problem and how I’m trying to solve it.
I have deconz installed in a raspsberry pi 4B where I’m also running home assistant.
In my house I also have opensprinkler.
To get access from the outside I have installed Duck DNS addon, this works fine.
I have done port forwarding for both, HA and opensprinkler in my router.
So the problem I have is that I can’t access deconz or put my opensprinkler in a Iframe card without commenting out the following lines in my configuration.yaml and go on the local IP address.
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
I been told that I need to use a reverse proxy to get this working.
I think that the NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy addon would do that for me.
I installed it, changed domain to “domain”: “sture.duckdns.org” in the configuration and started it. Also commented out;
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
in configuration.yaml and removed the port number from the base_url:
It don’t work, the I started playing with port forwarding in my router. please note that not all the portforwarding in the picture below is activated, It just show that I tried quite some of them.
I’m thinking that I have fundamentally misunderstood something. Please send me in the right direction