Reviewers needed: Environment Canada component with weather, sensor, and camera (radar) platforms

Have you added the components to your configuration.yaml? You need:

  - platform: environment_canada
  - platform: environment_canada
  - platform: environment_canada

Bingo, that was dumb on my part, I assumed that the log was going to show the component. Thank you many times. I will report back my impressions etc… but it looks mighty good.

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Excellent. I’m still chasing down a couple edge cases related to alerts, but otherwise things seem pretty solid. After you’ve used it for a bit let me know what you think.

Michael I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your work with this component, it has been working wonderfully for me. I must admit that I am new to HA and the ease of use of your component is a testament to your fantastic job. I also want to thank all who participated on this thread, I have learned lots from all of you. i.e. I just finished adding the @rlongfield alert card code.

I do have a question about the install for this component. Since I am using HA that is not a Docker version, I noticed in the install that multiple folders from the install already existed in HA. I am assuming that if one of those folders code is updated in HA, this could potentially break HA?

Here are the folders that I am concerned with:


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Thanks, I’m glad it’s working for you. I wouldn’t worry too much about the dependencies, since the platform manages them. The manifest.json file specifies that the env_canada library is required, which itself has a bunch of (nested) dependencies. Python will handle making sure that everything that’s required is there, and nothing should break.

Everything working fine here across versions…at 0.93.2 now…

Works with lovelace custom card weather-card-chart as well.No precip daily values using that card but daily highs and lows work well.

Does anyone here run this on Synology docker and care to help a docker newbie out?

I haven’t used Docker on Synology, but in the current version (I believe 0.92 and later) all you should need to do is:

  • Put the files from Dropbox at [config folder]/custom_components/environment_canada/
  • Update your configuration.yaml file to load the components (as per post #120).
  • Restart your container

Let me know if you have any trouble.

Oh…the other pip install is not needed now?

No, I don’t believe it is.

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thanks!! I think it got it working! finally some love for the Canucks!!

I just install the component on my testing install, when I add:

  - platform: environment_canada

to my configuration.yaml quite a few devices that I have in my sensors.yaml disappear.

added screenshot

Because you just created two places for your sensors, one in the config file and another in sensors.yaml.

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Thanks @123 I knew it was something stupid like that.

Big news: the platforms have been merged into the dev branch! I hope that this means they’ll be incorporated into 0.95 in a couple weeks. Thanks to everyone who contributed and tested the code over the past few months, this wouldn’t have been possible without you!


Great news indeed! Congrats @michaeldavie !

Great news @michaeldavie, congrat.

Just thought I would say thanks. I ride a motorcycle in the summer and bad weather especially hail can really ruin my day. Also winter here is just brutal. Having an alert that tells me my dryer is done is convenient but this component is way more than that! So glad michaeldavie was able to code this! and share it. Hope it is Incorporated as an official component… Don’t think there is another way to actually incorporate official government weather alerts into home assistant

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Thanks, I’m glad you’re finding it useful. Hopefully it’ll get included in v0.95 as an official component. I should point out that the work that had been done on the BOM Australia components was definitely an inspiration and pointed me in the right direction.

Right on
Any chance of integrating the animation from ?

Especially with a user-selectable number of images/timerange? (I personally like to watch the previous 4 hours)